Computer Science Expert Witnesses

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Computer science expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and network architecture. Some of the most common computer science expert witness specialties also include digital forensics, information technology consulting, database administration, systems engineering, and machine learning. They can opine on the effects of data breaches, intellectual property theft, algorithmic bias, software patent infringement, and system failures.

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Computer Engineering Expert WitnessView profile


Computer Engineering Expert Witness

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This computer engineering expert earned his BS in computer engineering from the University of Florida. He has founded and served as the principal software engineer for several companies, including AutoNOC, TQ Leads, and Metacogna. He is proficient in over 30 programming languages and his company, AutoNOC was recognized as a Top 40 Technology Innovator by the Technology Association of Georgia....

Computer Science Expert WitnessView profile


Computer Science Expert Witness

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New Jersey

This qualified computer science expert earned his BS in physics and computer science from Rutgers University before earning his MS in computer science from Georgia Institute of Technology. He has experience with several programming languages and software programs, including Python, Java, and Amazon Web Services. He formerly served as a software engineer for CSF Corporation. Currently, this expert...

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Expert WitnessView profile


Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Expert Witness

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This highly-qualified expert has over 20 years of experience in the fields of data science and artificial intelligence, specializing in the numerical modeling of complex physical systems and in the modern methods of machine learning. He earned his DEA in fluid mechanics and transport phenomena from the École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers in France, his MSc in hydraulic engineering from...

Digital Forensic Technology Expert WitnessView profile


Digital Forensic Technology Expert Witness

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New Jersey



This expert has been working in the digital technology industry for over 25 years. A Certified Forensic Consultant, Computer Examiner, and Digital Forensics Practitioner, he has conducted multiple computer forensics and e-discovery seminars for the New Jersey Bar Association and five different county bar associations. This expert is highly familiar with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures and...

Computer Science & Algorithms Expert WitnessView profile


Computer Science & Algorithms Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert from the field of computer science has an MS and a Ph.D from John Hopkins University. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow of Association of Computing Machinery and Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. This expert has received several awards for his work, including Best Paper awards, Vice...

Electrical & Computer Engineering Expert WitnessView profile


Electrical & Computer Engineering Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert received his Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prior to that, he received his M.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Alberta and B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science. This expert has 27 years of academic teaching experience as a Professor in the...

Wireless Technology Expert WitnessView profile


Wireless Technology Expert Witness

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This expert is globally known for his expertise in telecommunications and wireless networks, a field he has worked in for the past 40 years. He has worked for military contractors, universities, Fortune 500 companies, and start-ups. Having earned his PhD in Electrical Engineering and Communications from Purdue University, his counsel is frequently sought by business ventures in the wireless...

Digital Forensics & Technology Expert WitnessView profile


Digital Forensics & Technology Expert Witness

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New York

This expert has over 30 years experience as a technology, computer and digital forensics professional. He has significant experience in cases involving data from black boxes in cars and trucks. He currently is the CEO of a forensic evidence examination consulting firm which specializes in acquisition, preservation, recovery, and analysis of data as evidence. Additionally, he is a member of...

Software Expert WitnessView profile


Software Expert Witness

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This highly qualified software professional is an expert in software and computing technology with 20+ years of experience as an inventor, engineer, and programmer. He designed and built the web's first online bookmark site, and belongs to the IEEE Computer Society and the Application Developers Alliance. This expert has worked as a programmer, software development manager, technical analyst,...

Wireless Tech Expert WitnessView profile


Wireless Tech Expert Witness

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This expert is a consultant and technical strategist uniquely qualified in emerging technologies, standards, patent engineering, analysis, and regulatory affairs. Specific research areas include: wireless technologies, UWB Communications technologies, propagation, near field ranging technology, and measurements. A registered professional engineer with a PhD, he possesses a strong background in...

Digital Forensics Expert WitnessView profile


Digital Forensics Expert Witness

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North Carolina

This highly qualified expert is the owner of a major digital forensics company in North Carolina. He has worked in the technology field in different positions since 1987. He is a certified continuing education instructor specializing in cell phone and computer forensics and a certified digital forensics examiner. He has attended 5+ digital forensics training conferences and published 3+...

Computer Forensics & eDiscovery Expert WitnessView profile


Computer Forensics & eDiscovery Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has testified in federal and state courts as an expert in digital forensics and electronic discovery. He has extensive experience serving as a retained expert, forensic neutral, eNeutral and eDiscovery liaison. Before working in the digital forensics and eDiscovery industry for over 13 years, he served as a partner with an international law firm focusing on litigation...

Biostatistics Expert WitnessView profile


Biostatistics Expert Witness

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North Carolina

This expert has decades of experience in pre-clinical through Phase IV research. Apart from standard statistical methods, he has special expertise in adaptive methods, recurrent event methods, experimental design, assays, mathematical modeling and simulation, data-mining and super-computer applications. As an independent statistician he serves on numerous data and safety monitoring boards and...

Digital Audio & Computer Music Expert WitnessView profile


Digital Audio & Computer Music Expert Witness

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This expert is a world renowned figure in digital audio and computer music, with over 40 technical publications and four patents to his credit. The former chief technical officer at Lucasfilm Droid Works, he won both an Emmy Award for Technical Achievement and the Audio Engineering Society's lifetime achievement award. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Stanford University, as well as...

High Performance Computing Systems Expert WitnessView profile


High Performance Computing Systems Expert Witness

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This computational scientist is a member of the professional staff at a prestigious science and technology university in California, where he works in the school's Center for Advanced Computing Research. The expert earned a B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Manchester and a Ph.D. in Experimental Particle Physics from the University of Sheffield. He held a staff physicist position at CERN...

Wireless Networks & Communications Expert WitnessView profile


Wireless Networks & Communications Expert Witness

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This well credentialed expert is a Professor and Distinguished Chair in Computer Science for a public university in Texas. He is also Professor Emeritus in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University, where he taught and performed research for 20 years. He has about 30 years of professional experience in communication networks, wireless communication, and wireless...

Digital Forensics & Telecommunications Expert WitnessView profile


Digital Forensics & Telecommunications Expert Witness

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For over 20 years this expert has designed, spec'd, built, and operated networks that have been primarily run by switches, routers, firewalls and other Cisco equipment. His work has allowed him the pleasure of building traditional telephony, IP telephony, video, enterprise and datacenter networks that have each supported thousands of endpoints and servers. In two cases the networks have been...

Computers & Information Technology Expert WitnessView profile


Computers & Information Technology Expert Witness

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New York

This expert is an internationally recognized software professional with over 38 years of experience in the computer industry. He is knowledgeable of the design and implementation of both the software and hardware, ranging from embedded microcomputers to mainframe computers. Further, he has consulted as a software architect for companies in various industries, working on projects that cover a wide...

Computer Forensics Expert WitnessView profile


Computer Forensics Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert is a EnCase certified examiner with years of experience in digital forensics. He was the director of the Greater Houston Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory, a multi-agency task force. He was also an FBI certified Computer Forensics Examiner and a Certified Forensic Computer Examiner with the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists. He has...

Computer Sciences & Software Expert WitnessView profile


Computer Sciences & Software Expert Witness

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This expert earned his BA in Mathematics and Physics from the University of California - Berkeley. He went on to earn his MS and PhD from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. After receiving his PhD, the expert has held positions as a professor at major universities in the field of computer science and as an executive in private sector companies working on software development. He is also...

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Computer Science Expert Witness FAQs

A computer science expert witness provides technical analysis, interpretation, and testimony on matters related to computer systems, software, networks, and digital forensics.

They can assist with intellectual property disputes, data breaches, software patent infringement, cybercrime investigations, and other technology-related litigation.

Yes. Subspecialties can include cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, data analysis, software engineering, and network architecture.

They can analyze system logs, identify vulnerabilities exploited by hackers, assess damage caused by the breach, and provide recommendations for improving security measures.

Such an expert can dissect complex software designs and algorithms to determine if there has been an infringement of patented technology.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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