How Expert Institute Assisted Attorney Mark D. Alcott’s Landmark $44 Million Victory

The most important thing to my client in this case was that they told the world that this particular doctor was negligent, and that's why they lost their wife who was only 30 years old. She left three children who will never have their mother again.

Hi, my name is Mark Alcott. I'm a partner here at Harlem Parker in Bowling Green, Kentucky. We actually got the largest single verdict ever for a single plaintiff, in the history of Kentucky, of $44 million, from a Jefferson County jury. When you do a transplant like that, your immune system is very compromised, and it takes a while for it to come back. So, there are these prophylactic medicines that you're given just to prevent you from getting infections. In our case, it was not given. The particular infectious disease physician that they hired for the defense had these opinions that said there's no standard of care for it, and so it was not a breach for the doctor not to give it.

As we worked with Expert Institute, we determined through this RADAR process we could pull up every publication they have ever done. He actually had a book, or a chapter in a book on oncology, and he covered this particular infection with Pneumocystis pneumonia, and he says you give it within 30 days of the transplant, and it was opposite of what his testimony was under oath. After he testified to that, I pulled the book out, pulled out the chapter, and I said, "Is this your name? Is this your chapter?" He goes, "Well, yes it is. That's the standard of care that I do, but I don't know if I would apply that to every physician in the nation." I said, "So if this lady had come to you, she'd be alive today because you would have given her the antibiotic, correct?" He said yes, she would be.

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