U.S. Judge Finds Document Examination Expert Witness Failed to Demonstrate Reliability in Bank Robbery Case

Case: United States v. Christopher McDaniels, No. 12–393–01, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania; June 11, 2014 Background: Defendant Christopher McDaniels pleaded guilty to one count of bank robbery. At his sentencing hearing, the government asserted that McDaniels committed five additional bank robberies, and that this uncharged criminal conduct justified an

ByKristin Casler


Updated on February 24, 2017


United States v. Christopher McDaniels, No. 12–393–01, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania; June 11, 2014


Defendant Christopher McDaniels pleaded guilty to one count of bank robbery. At his sentencing hearing, the government asserted that McDaniels committed five additional bank robberies, and that this uncharged criminal conduct justified an upward departure at sentencing.

Document Examination Expert Witness:

At the sentencing hearing, the government presented testimony from Lorie Gottesman, a document examination expert witness and handwriting analysis expert. Gottesman examined demand notes presented by the robber during the other robberies. She compared the notes with the defendant’s sample handwriting.

Gottesman used the “ACE–V methodology,” — Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation and Verification. She illustrated specific characteristics in each of the six question documents that also appeared in some of the known exemplars. Gottesman noted two to three characteristics that appeared both in the question document and known writing samples from the defendant. She opined to a reasonable degree of certainty that the defendant wrote the demand notes.

McDaniels moved to strike the testimony under Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals (509 U.S. 579, 113 S.Ct. 2786, 125 L.Ed.2d 469 [1993]) and Federal Rule of Evidence 702. He argued that Gottesman failed to demonstrate that her testimony is “the product of sound scientific methodology derived from the scientific method.”

Admissibility of Document Examination Expert Witness:

U.S. District Judge Eduardo C. Robreno for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania found there was no clear evidence that Gottesman actually complied with Steps 2 through 4 of the ACE-V methodology in preparing her report and testimony. Consequently, she failed to provide evidence that she comprehensively compared the characteristics shared and not shared between each set of known and questioned documents, the judge said. Only a few similarities between each pair are listed in the testimony, and no differences are listed.

She also did not demonstrate how she conducted the balancing of identifiable characteristics shared and not shared between the known writing sample and each questioned document, the judge said. In addition, she did not provide any evidence in her testimony or expert report of how the requirements of the verification step were met, the judge said.

“The Third Circuit has held handwriting analysis and the ACE–V methodology to be generally reliable and scientifically sound, as required under Rule 702 and Daubert,” the judge said. “Ms. Gottesman, however, fails to provide evidence that her expert opinion in this case derived from a proper application of the ACE–V methodology, rather than reliance on specific similarities between “known” and “question” documents.”

Thus, the judge found the testimony unreliable and inadmissible.

About the author

Kristin Casler

Kristin Casler

Kristin Casler is a seasoned legal writer and journalist with an extensive background in litigation news coverage. For 17 years, she served as the editor for LexisNexis Mealey’s litigation news monitor, a role that positioned her at the forefront of reporting on pivotal legal developments. Her expertise includes covering cases related to the Supreme Court's expert admissibility ruling in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc., a critical area in both civil and criminal litigation concerning the challenges of 'junk science' testimony.

Kristin's work primarily involves reporting on a diverse range of legal subjects, with particular emphasis on cases in asbestos litigation, insurance, personal injury, antitrust, mortgage lending, and testimony issues in conviction cases. Her contributions as a journalist have been instrumental in providing in-depth, informed analysis on the evolving landscape of these complex legal areas. Her ability to dissect and communicate intricate legal proceedings and rulings makes her a valuable resource in the legal journalism field.

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