Expert Institute Sweeps #1 in 3 of National Law Journal’s Best Of 2021 Categories

Expert Institute wins three #1 rankings in The National Law Journal’s Best Of 2021 survey, reaffirming its leadership in expert witness services and legal insights.

ByExpert Institute

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Expert Institute Sweeps #1 in 3 of National Law Journal’s Best Of 2021 Categories

We’re pleased to share that Expert Institute has won across three categories of The National Law Journal’s 2021 Best Of reader’s rankings survey. For the fifth year in a row, we’ve been voted as the top Expert Witness Provider, Accident Reconstruction service, and Forensic Experts.

These awards are a valued reminder that the legal community still looks to us as their top source of actionable intelligence. Our expert insights continue to be the bright-line across Expert iQ, our suite of services, and our consultative partnerships.

“Our business began with the goal to build a better expert search process, so it’s gratifying to see this core service go from strength to strength with the support of The National Law Journal’s audience,” said Bill Sherman, President. “We’ve been rapidly growing our team and SaaS-enabled offerings over the past few years, but our priority remains to connect legal professionals with the competitive expert insights they need for every case. It’s wonderful to receive this vote of confidence from our clients once again.”

The National Law Journal conducts its annual Best Of survey to showcase top legal service providers. The ballot is distributed to its readers and voting is restricted to attorneys, legal support staff, judges, and in-house counsel. The Best Of results indicate “the businesses that stand out among their competitors in providing lawyers with the essentials they require to compete in today’s legal market.”

“It’s an honor to receive this recognition from The National Law Journal readership,” said Michael Talve, CEO and Managing Director. “We’re especially proud to be named as the #1 Expert Witness Provider for five years running. Our team has been hard at work building our Expert Search service to be equal parts data-driven insights and bespoke research to ensure we’re finding the ideal expert every time. It’s great to see that the legal community agrees.”

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