Radiology Expert Opines on Car Accident Injuries

ByJoseph O'Neill


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Radiology Expert Opines on Car Accident Injuries

This case takes place in New Jersey and involves a man who was involved in a reasonably low-speed car crash. The man was stopped at an intersection when his vehicle was struck from behind by another driver. The driver claims to have suffered several debilitating and chronically painful injuries as a result of the accident, on which grounds he has sued the driver of the other car. The defendant claims that the speed of the impact was likely too low to result in the injuries that the plaintiff claims to have suffered, and that the plaintiff’s injuries must have existed before the crash occurred. To this end, the defense sought to retain a nuclear medicine expert witness to opine on the timing of the plaintiff’s injuries.

Question(s) For Expert Witness

1. Are you able to review the records in this case and opine whether the injuries were related to the incident or pre-existing?

2. Please explain your qualifications to review this case. Have you ever served as an expert witness on a case similar to the one described above? If so, please explain.

Expert Witness Response E-018047

inline imageThe success of this case will depend on the presence of underlying tendinosis and availability of the appropriate medical imaging before and after the accident. I am highly qualified to review this case and glad to assist. I am an actively practicing attending radiologist at a large academic center with special interest in musculoskeletal ultrasound, a common modality to diagnose and treat this specific pathology. I am also a member of numerous prestigious societies, like the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and the Radiological Society of North America. I have published 41 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. I am also is a reviewer for multiple journals including Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology and Journal of Ultrasound Medicine. Currently, I am an attending radiologist as well as an assistant professor of radiology at a major university medical center.

About the author

Joseph O'Neill

Joseph O'Neill

Joe has extensive experience in online journalism and technical writing across a range of legal topics, including personal injury, meidcal malpractice, mass torts, consumer litigation, commercial litigation, and more. Joe spent close to six years working at Expert Institute, finishing up his role here as Director of Marketing. He has considerable knowledge across an array of legal topics pertaining to expert witnesses. Currently, Joe servces as Owner and Demand Generation Consultant at LightSail Consulting.

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