Radiologist Pierces Patient’s Aorta Causing Fatal Bleed Out

ByJohn Lomicky


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Radiologist Pierces Patient’s Aorta Causing Fatal Bleed Out

This case involves a 38-year-old female patient whose aorta was pierced during a needle-guided CT scan. The patient initially presented to the defendant physician for a PET scan one month prior. After reading the PET scan, the radiologist diagnosed the patient with thymus cancer and ordered a needle-guided CT scan. During the scan, the piercing caused such severe bleeding that the patient untimely died. Following the patient’s death, it was discovered that the PET scan was misread and that the patient was improperly diagnosed with thymus cancer. An expert in diagnostic radiology and a high level of experience with both PET and CT scans was sought to determine whether the defendant physician erred in his evaluation of the PET scan and whether the physician caused undue harm to the patient during the CT scan.

Question(s) For Expert Witness

1. Please describe your background in diagnostic radiology.

2. How common is it for a needle guided CT to cause the outcome that occurred in this case?

Expert Witness Response E-025681

inline imagePiercing the aorta during a CT guided procedure does not happen easily. I suspect the patient had an initial PET/CT scan, not a PET scan alone, which showed the area of concern. Assuming this was an isolated thymic mass, (ie no other more easily biopsied lesions elsewhere) a CT guided needle biopsy of the mediastinum is an unusual choice. Mediastinoscopy is more typical but there may have been reasons.

Expert Bio:

This expert is board certified in diagnostic radiology and has been practicing for 25+ years. He completed his internship and residency in diagnostic radiology at a west coast university medical center. This expert has published 22 peer-reviewed articles and has lectured nationally on abdominal and pancreatic imaging topics. He formerly served as the chief of radiology at two different hospitals. This expert currently serves as a radiologist at a private practice and lecturer and researcher at an Ivy League university.

About the author

John Lomicky

John Lomicky

John Lomicky is a J.D. candidate at FSU Law with a multidisciplinary background. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Neurobiology and Near Eastern Studies from Georgetown University and has graduate degrees in International Business and Eurasian Studies. John's professional experience includes working in private equity as an Associate at Kingfish Group and in legal business development and research roles at the Expert Institute. His expertise spans managing sales teams, company expansion, and providing consultative services to legal practices in various fields.

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