Prescription Administered Despite Documented Drug Allergy

ByMichael Talve, CEO


Updated on

Prescription Administered Despite Documented Drug Allergy

This case involves a female patient who presented to the hospital for a ventral hernia repair. Her doctors opted to use a Kugel mesh. Following her procedure, the patient was prescribed Percocet for pain, despite clear documentation of an allergy to the medication on her preoperative medical clearance note. Before she was anesthetized, the general surgeon on her case specifically asked the patient if she had any allergies and she verbally confirmed that it was on her chart. A few months prior, the patient had a sensitization to Percocet that produced itchiness and dry skin for a three-week duration. During this hospital admission, the patient developed an extremely pruritic dermatological reaction that produced dry scaly skin over her entire body.

Question(s) For Expert Witness

1. Was this a breach in the standard of care?

Expert Witness Response E-001161

inline imageIf what the patient claims is true, then this is without a doubt a breach in care. For the physician to confirm a drug allergy and then to go ahead and prescribe it for postoperative pain is absurd. A true drug allergy occurs when your immune system reacts abnormally to a medication. A number of drugs can cause a drug allergy, including prescription and over-the-counter medications. The most common signs of a drug allergy are hives, rash, or fever. A patient can have an allergic reaction to a drug anytime they take it, even if it caused no reaction in the past. Most drug-related symptoms are not a true drug allergy and don't involve the immune system. Drug allergies and non-allergic drug reactions are often confused because they can cause similar symptoms.

About the author

Michael Talve, CEO

Michael Talve, CEO

Michael Talve stands at the forefront of legal innovation as the CEO and Managing Director of Expert Institute. Under his leadership, the Expert Institute has established itself as a vital player in the legal technology arena, revolutionizing how lawyers connect with world-class experts and access advanced legal technology. Michael's role involves not only steering the company's strategic direction but also ensuring the delivery of unparalleled intelligence and cutting-edge solutions to legal professionals. His work at Expert Institute has been instrumental in enhancing the capabilities of attorneys in case preparation and execution, making a significant impact on the legal industry's approach to expert consultation and technological integration. Michael's vision and execution have positioned the Expert Institute as a key facilitator in the intersection of law and technology.

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