Poor Health Conditions in Elementary School Results in Numerous Ill Students

ByCody Porcoro


Updated on November 1, 2017

Poor Health Conditions in Elementary School Results in Numerous Ill Students

This case involves the impact of unsanitary conditions for students who attended an elementary school in downtown Detroit. These conditions included the presence of mold in sinks; non- functioning toilets that caused students to be exposed to human waste; lack of ventilation; unsanitary food storage and preparation; exposure to vermin; and lack of adequate heating. These conditions had been exacerbated by overcrowding in the school system. The school had a long history of students who had to be sent back home in the middle of the school day after suffering from various dermatological and gastrointestinal complaints. As a result, some students were forced to miss crucial parts of their education. Despite having multiple cases of ill students due to the conditions, the school did not make any changes.

Question(s) For Expert Witness

1. Please discuss your experience as it relates to investigating environmental causes of health issues.

2. Have you ever reviewed similar cases?

Expert Witness Response E-022427

inline imageI am regularly involved in clinical and legal evaluations investigating environmental causes of health issues. I have evaluated over 50 patients with concerns for environmental causes of illness.

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