Patient Faces Months-Long Recovery from Endometrial Ablation

ByCody Porcoro


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Patient Faces Months-Long Recovery from Endometrial Ablation

After a patient sustained a perforated bowel from an endometrial ablation procedure, she claimed her gynecologist had failed to observe the proper standard of care. Though the gynecologist claimed that the procedure was successful, the patient began vomiting less than a day after it was completed, and needed to be taken to the ER. A scan revealed that her uterine wall had been punctured, and she had to have an emergency procedure performed to remedy it. The complications continued, however; the patient developed a fistula in post-operative recovery and needed to be hospitalized for four months. Allegedly, her gynecologist had performed the ablation negligently, and an expert in the procedure was needed to comment on the case and assess the necessary standards of care.

Question(s) For Expert Witness

1. Do you have extensive experience performing endometrial ablation procedures?

2. How experienced are you performing laparoscopic outpatient surgery?

Expert Witness Response E-009755

inline imageAs a practicing OBGYN and the Associate Director Division of Gynecologic Oncology at a university affiliated hospital, I have extensive experience performing endometrial ablation procedures. I am very experienced with laparoscopic inpatient and outpatient surgery. This is a very uncommon injury. It should not happen if adequate precautions are taken.

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