IUD Perforates Woman’s Uterus Following Implantation
After the implantation of an IUD, a patient experienced symptoms, leading to the physician ordering a CT scan. The scan showed the IUD perforated the woman's uterus.
This case involves a 34-year-old woman who had just given birth to her second child. She presented to her physician shortly after delivery for sterilization options. After consultation, the physician inserted a Mirena IUD. However, the following year, the patient began to experience persistent cramps and abnormal bleeding. She presented to her physician who ordered a CT scan. The scan showed that the IUD’s right arm was extending outside the confines of the uterus and thus perforated the uterine body.
Question(s) For Expert Witness
Do you routinely treat patients like the one described above? How long have you been practicing in this capacity?
Have you ever had a patient develop the outcome/complications noted above?
Expert Witness Response E-000171
I routinely insert Mirena IUD's. I also function as a consultant for a large practice of family physicians who send me problem gynecologist patients. Among the referrals are many IUD problems, including patients with perforated IUD's. I have never experienced perforation in a patient in whom I personally inserted the IUD, but I have seen and managed a number of these cases.
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