Experts in Fibroid Treatment Opine on Myomectomy Procedure

ByCody Porcoro


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Experts in Fibroid Treatment Opine on Myomectomy Procedure

A patient with a history of uterine fibroid issues sued her gynecologist for negligence after discovering she had been diagnosed with uterine cancer in the aftermath of a myomectomy. Even after she had undergone the myomectomy to reduce the fibroids in her uterine tissue, she continued to experience abnormally heavy bleeding during menstruation. The menorrhagia bleeding became so severe that she underwent an MRI scan two years later, which indicated that there was evidence of neoplasm, the new and abnormal growth of potentially cancerous tissue. An endometrial biopsy came back with negative results, but a second MRI at a later date revealed that the patient was suffering from a stage 4 malignant sarcoma tumor in her uterus. The myectomy was assessed to tbe the potential cause of distributing cancerous tissues throughout the patient’s uterus, and a gynecology expert was asked to review the case.

Question(s) For Expert Witness

1. Do you routinely treat patients similar to the one described in the case?

Expert Witness Response E-000170

inline imageI am the Director of a fibroid center and have performed thousands of fibroid related surgeries. There was possible negligence in this case, though I would need full access to the records to be sure.

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