Elderly Man Injured After Falling On Freshly Resurfaced Ice

ByJohn Lomicky


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This case involves an elderly man suffered severe injuries while ice skating at a public ice rink. The man was skating with his grandchildren during a “free skate” session at the rink in question. The ice had been resurfaced by a Zamboni 5 minutes before the man entered the rink. Within the first minute of being on the ice, the man slipped and fell breaking his hip and fracturing his wrist. It was alleged that the ice was too slippery due to improper use of the Zamboni machine.

Question(s) For Expert Witness

1. Please describe your background as relates to ice rink management and maintenance.

2. What is the proper protocol for ensuring safe skating conditions and that the ice isn't too wet for patrons?

Expert Witness Response E-163394

inline imageI have been the owner of a large ice rink and arena for 25+ years and have been a professional figuring skating coach for 40 years. I have vast experience with ice maintenance and I am able to speak to the proper conditions ice should be in so that no injuries occur. I was one of the first 12 ice arena industry professionals in the United States to become certified by the Ice Arena Institute of Management in arena operations and management. I believe many factors could have made the ice too slippery. These could include: refrigeration of the pipes under the ice, improper ice resurfacer use or maintenance, and rental skate problems.

About the author

John Lomicky

John Lomicky

John Lomicky is a J.D. candidate at FSU Law with a multidisciplinary background. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Neurobiology and Near Eastern Studies from Georgetown University and has graduate degrees in International Business and Eurasian Studies. John's professional experience includes working in private equity as an Associate at Kingfish Group and in legal business development and research roles at the Expert Institute. His expertise spans managing sales teams, company expansion, and providing consultative services to legal practices in various fields.

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