Contraceptive Essure Coils Severely Injure Patient
A patient attempting to use Essure coils as a contraceptive measure suffered severe pain and medical complications when the coils migrated out from her Fallopian tubes and extruded into her uterus. The coils had been recommended due the patient’s lack of any metal allergies, and she was not initially informed that she may experience post-implant pain, cramping, bleeding, or coil migration. Additionally, the patient had previously undergone a right salpingectomy for an ectopic pregnancy, and the physician decided to place a coil in the small remnant of her Fallopian tube without consultation. It became evident that the coils had migrated out of her Fallopian tubes during the implementation procedure, and the woman eventually was given a hysterectomy by a new OB/GYN. The consequent malpractice case brought the implementation procedure and viability of Essure IUDs into question.
Question(s) For Expert Witness
1. Do you routinely treat patients like the in this case?
2. Have you ever published or lectured on this subject, or had a patient develop the similar complications?
Expert Witness Response E-000239
I have been performing Essure procedures since they were first introduced as a contraceptive option. Perforation of the fallopian tube is the most common complication of an improperly implanted coil. Conceptus, the manufacturer of Essure coils, does not recommend doing a unilateral procedure and definitely warns against placing an Essure device in a tube that has been ligated. The chance for perforation in this situation is extremely high.
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