Livestock Fencing and Behavior | E-033216
This expert is an international authority on livestock fencing and behavior, having conducted more than 300 seminars on fencing technology and grazing management for global livestock producers throughout the world. He has been a consultant and international sales representative for several agribusiness companies involved in the manufacture of fencing equipment. He is the former president of the US branch of Gallagher Electronics, the world's largest livestock fencing company. He established and trained fencing distributors in Central and South America; he is active in the industry in addition to his consultancy.
Location: TX
BS: Texas A&M University
Member, Animal Behavior Society
Published, 100+ articles on livestock fencing and behavior, 2 books
Former, Director of Marketing / President, the US distributor of Gallagher Electronics
Current, International Sales Manager, a major US fencing firm
Current, Private Fence Consultant