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Infection Control / Biomedical Engineering Expert Witness
Project Engineer, ECRI Institute
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Pennsylvania
Montgomeryville ,
Comprehensive expert on expert witnesses: Access detailed litigation history and performance metrics.
This expert specializes in infection control. He earned his PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania and pursued a fellowship focused on diagnostic imaging at the Temple University School of Medicine. For two decades, he worked for a firm manufacturing automated endoscope reprocessors, serving as the Director of R&D and the Chief of Infection Control. He currently owns a consultancy focused on healthcare quality and safety; he is also a prolific writer on these issues.
Review Fee
Deposition Fee
Court Fee
Disclaimer - These hourly rates reflect the most recent fees we have on record for this expert. Please note that these fees are subject to change, and we recommend verifying the current rates before engaging the expert.
Case Reviews
Status | Job Title/Role | Department/Division | Organization |
Current | President | — | A healthcare quality and safety consultancy in PA |
Former | Director and Chief | Infection Control | Custom Ultrasonics |
Former | Project Engineer | — | ECRI Institute |
Training Type | Specialty | Institution |
Fellowship | Diagnostic Imaging | Temple University School of Medicine |
Degree | Institution | Major |
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) | University of Pennsylvania | Bioengineering |
Master of Science (MS) | University of Pennsylvania | Bioengineering |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Ursinus College | Physics |
Position | Membership Organization |
Member | World Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases |
Publication Type | Total Count |
Patent | 1 |
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