Hospital Administration, Healthcare, Organizational and Clinical Ethics | E-000838
This highly qualified expert has years of experience in healthcare management and consulting. He received his MPH and DrPH degrees from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, a co-founder of Operation Access and the Alliance for Global Clinical Training. He has published 175+ journal articles and co-edited three books. He is a former senior vice president of healthcare industry practice at Aon Consulting and former executive vice president and chief operating officer of the Alta Bates Corporation. He is also the former director of Stanford University Hospital and Clinics and the former executive director of Emory University Hospital. He has held faculty appointments at Harvard, UCLA, Stanford, Emory and the University of California, Berkeley. Currently, he is the president of a Healthcare Group in California. He has served as an expert witness in over two dozen states and Washington, D.C.
Location: CA
BS, University of California Berkeley
MPH, University of California Berkeley
DrPH, University of California Berkeley
Fellow, American College of Healthcare Executives
Co-Founder, Operation Acess
Co-Founder, Alliance for Global Clinical Training
Published 175+ journal articles
Recipient, Award of Honor, American Hospital Association
Former Senior Vice President, Healthcare Industry Practice, Aon Consulting
Former EVP/COO, Alta Bates Corporation
Former Executive Director, Emory University Hospital
Former Director, Stanford University Hospital and Clinics
Former faculty appointments at Harvard, UCLA, Stanford, Emory and University of California, Berkeley
Current President of a Healthcare Group