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Global health Expert Witness
Senior Research Associate, California Western School of Law
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of California San Diego
San Diego ,
Comprehensive expert on expert witnesses: Access detailed litigation history and performance metrics.
This highly qualified expert has extensive knowledge of regulatory and legislative issues relating to the healthcare industry and of eHealth governance. He received both his MAS and PhD degrees focusing in health policy and law and global health from the University of California, San Diego, and has worked as a consultant or expert for various organizations including the World Health Organization, US Department of State, US Department of Justice and others. He is a member of various professional organizations, including the American Public Health Association and is the current program chair of the APHA Trade and health forum. He lectures both nationally and internationally and has received multiple honors for his outstanding research. He has published 100+ peer-reviewed journal articles and serves on the editorial board at BMC Medicine and is an associate editor at BMC Public Health. He is the former senior research associate at the California Western School of Law's Institute of Health Law Studies and the former senior legal and compliance specialist at ResMed Inc. Currently, he is the director of a major health policy research institute and an assistant professor of global public health at a major school of medicine, where he also directs the master's degree program in health policy and law.
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Disclaimer - These hourly rates reflect the most recent fees we have on record for this expert. Please note that these fees are subject to change, and we recommend verifying the current rates before engaging the expert.
Case Reviews
Status | Job Title/Role | Department/Division | Organization |
Current | Assistant Professor | Global Public Health | Major University |
Current | Director | Major Health Policy Research Institute | — |
Current | Associate Director | Master's Degree Program in Health Policy & Law | Major University |
Former | Senior Legal & Compliance Specialist | — | ResMed Inc. |
Former | Senior Research Associate | Institute of Health Law Studies | California Western School of Law |
Training Type | Specialty | Institution |
Internship | Public Health, Innovation & Intellectual Property | World Health Organization |
Degree | Institution | Major |
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) | University of California San Diego | Global Public Health |
Master of Applied Science (MASc) | University of California San Diego | Health Policy & Law |
Bachelor of Arts (BA) | University of California San Diego | Political Science |
Position | Membership Organization |
Member | American Public Health Association |
Member | American College of Healthcare Executives |
Member | Editorial Board, BMC Public Health Journal |
Publication Type | Total Count |
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles | 86 |
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