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Electrical Engineering & Laser Science Expert Witness
Technical Consultant, Rodel Inc.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Stanford University
Berkeley ,
Comprehensive expert on expert witnesses: Access detailed litigation history and performance metrics.
This highly qualified expert received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University University. He is the primary inventor of 11 patents and has reviewed 20+ cases on patent validity and infringement since 1998. He is a Fellow of several professional organizations in the field including the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers, American Physical Society, and The Optical Society of America. Formerly, he was at AT&T Bell Laboratories where he researched novel sources of ultraviolet and soft X-ray coherent radiation, advanced lithography, picosecond optoelectronics, semiconductor physics, surface physics, MOS device physics, and integrated circuit process technology. He held management positions as Head of the Laser Science Research Department and Head of the ULSI Technology Research Department at AT&T Bell Labs. He has also done technical consulting for Rodel Inc., Alpha Golf, Inc., University Technology Ventures, Inc., and Veeco Metrology Group. Currently, this expert is the Associate Chair of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Chair of the EE Division, College of Engineering at a high-ranking major university.
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Disclaimer - These hourly rates reflect the most recent fees we have on record for this expert. Please note that these fees are subject to change, and we recommend verifying the current rates before engaging the expert.
Case Reviews
Status | Job Title/Role | Department/Division | Organization |
Current | Associate Dean, Research | — | A major university in CA |
Current | Professor | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | A major university in CA |
Current | Deputy Director, Science | — | The Molecular Foundry, a United States national laboratory |
Former | Department Head | Integrated Circuits Technology | AT&T and Bell Laboratories |
Former | Department Head | Laser Science Research | AT&T and Bell Laboratories |
Former | Technical Consultant | — | Veeco Metrology Group |
Former | Technical Consultant | — | University Technology Ventures, Inc. |
Former | Technical Consultant | — | Alpha Golf, Inc. |
Former | Technical Consultant | — | Rodel Inc. |
Degree | Institution | Major |
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) | Stanford University | Electrical Engineering |
Master of Science (MS) | Stanford University | Electrical Engineering |
Bachelor of Science (BS) | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | — |
Position | Membership Organization |
Member | Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers |
Member | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Member | American Association for the Advancement of Science |
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