Transplant Surgery Expert Witnesses in Pennsylvania

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Transplant surgery expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including organ transplantation, hepatobiliary surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, kidney transplantation, and pancreatic transplantation. Some of the most common transplant surgery expert witness specialties also include liver transplantation, heart transplantation, lung transplantation, pediatric transplantation, and vascular access for dialysis. They can opine on the effects of organ rejection, surgical complications, post-transplant care, donor selection criteria, and transplant ethics.

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Hepatology & Liver Transplants Expert WitnessView profile


Hepatology & Liver Transplants Expert Witness

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This board certified Gastroeneterology and Hepatology expert completed fellowship training in Gastroenterology and Advanced Hepatology. He is involved in clinical and translational research and has a record of publication, presentation, and funded research. He has authored and co-authored a number of articles in peer-reviewed journals. This expert specializes in general and transplant Hepatology....

Pathology & Transplantation Expert WitnessView profile


Pathology & Transplantation Expert Witness

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This accomplished expert is a highly experienced pathologist who completed medical school in India and went on to complete a residency in Pathology at The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The expert has examined about 25000 liver, kidney and gastrointestinal biopsies in his career.He has been invited to speak over 200 times on topics ranging from hepatitis C, diseases of the kidney,...

Transplant & Hepato-Biliary Surgery Expert WitnessView profile


Transplant & Hepato-Biliary Surgery Expert Witness

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This highly qualified board certified expert has been in clinical practice for over 20 years. Fellowship training was completed at the University of Pittsburgh. He is actively involved in research and education: to date, he has authored over 280 original peer reviewed articles/ abstracts, 8 book chapters, and lectured at more than 75 conferences and symposia. The expert serves as a reviewer and...

The Average Transplant Surgery Expert Witness
Charges $750 / Hour

Based on hourly rates. Compare expert witness rates across thousands of specialties in all 50 states.

  • Review Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Deposition Fee


    Fee info

    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Court Fee


    Fee info

    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

Transplant Surgery Expert Witness FAQs

A transplant surgery expert witness provides specialized knowledge in court cases involving organ transplantation. They can offer insights on surgical procedures, patient care, and medical standards.

These experts are often called upon in malpractice suits, insurance disputes, personal injury cases, or any case where the quality of transplant surgery care is in question.

Yes, many transplant surgery expert witnesses specialize in specific organs and can provide detailed testimony on the intricacies of these complex surgeries.

An expert can testify about the standard of care for preventing and managing organ rejection, including medication protocols and follow-up procedures.

Transplantation techniques and post-operative care are constantly evolving. An expert who is current ensures accurate information based on the latest medical standards.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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