Supervision Expert Witnesses

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Supervision expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including human resources, education, healthcare, social work, and corporate management. Some of the most common specialties among supervision expert witnesses include workplace safety, employee training, professional development, performance evaluation, and conflict resolution. They can opine on the effects of inadequate supervision, supervisor negligence, workplace accidents due to lack of supervision, the impact of effective supervision on employee productivity, and the role of supervision in preventing workplace harassment.

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Education Law & Special Education Expert WitnessView profile


Education Law & Special Education Expert Witness

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New Jersey

This expert provides education expert consultation for high-profile and complicated cases. As an educator and administrator, he has more than 35 years’ experience as a teacher, principal, superintendent and director of special education. He also has served as a state department of education official. As a sought-after authority on school safety and education law. This expert has presented...

Child Safety Procedures & Behavioral Supervision Expert WitnessView profile


Child Safety Procedures & Behavioral Supervision Expert Witness

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This child safety and camp expert completed his Professional Development Program through the American Camp Association. He also completed National Training School and National Camping School as an executive with the Boy Scouts of America. As the former Associate Director of Camping Service for BSA, this expert was responsible for managing health, safety, and risk management issues for the...

Child abuse Expert WitnessView profile


Child abuse Expert Witness

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This expert has extensive experience in cases involving child abuse or injury in institutional settings (i.e. schools, churches, foster care, youth groups, day care, treatment centers, residential facilities and hospitals), failure to supervise, interpersonal violence and bullying, sexual abuse by teachers, clergy or staff members and child-on-child abuse. She can help you assess standards and...

Bank Supervision & Regulation Expert WitnessView profile


Bank Supervision & Regulation Expert Witness

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New York

This banking and regulatory expert is currently a Partner in the New York Office of a global law firm. He has over 45 years of industry experience, including 30 years at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York serving as General Counsel, Chief Operating Officer and First Vice President. In that capacity, he served as an alternate member of the Federal Open Market Committee and as a staff member of...

School Supervision & Special Education Expert WitnessView profile


School Supervision & Special Education Expert Witness

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This highly qualified educational expert is fully credentialed and certified in all areas of special education. Having earned his MS in special education from Hofstra University and his EdD from Columbia University Teacher's College, this expert has served as a classroom teacher and principal in schools designed to serve special populations as well as general education/mainstream environments. He...

Emergency Room Nursing & Nursing Supervision Expert WitnessView profile


Emergency Room Nursing & Nursing Supervision Expert Witness

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This qualified expert earned her ADN from Sincalir Community College and is certified in ACLS, PALS, and BLS. She is a licensed registered nurse in Tennessee and is certified as a professional legal nurse consultant by the National Center for Legal Nurse Consultants. This expert has previously served as a registered nurse house float at Southern Hills Medical Center and as a clinical coordinator...

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Supervision Expert Witness FAQs

A supervision expert witness provides insight into standards and practices within industries, helping courts understand if proper supervision was provided in a case.

Supervision experts often assist in workplace injury cases, child welfare cases, educational settings, and any situation where negligence or lack of oversight may be an issue.

Yes, some experts specialize in areas like corporate supervision, school supervision, construction site safety, or healthcare management.

They can evaluate whether appropriate supervisory measures were taken and if failure to do so contributed to the injury.

An expert with specific experience can provide nuanced understanding of industry standards and regulations, making their testimony more credible and relevant.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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