Stroke Expert Witnesses in Texas

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Stroke expert witnesses specialize in a variety of fields, including neurology, cardiology, emergency medicine, physical therapy, and rehabilitation. Some of the most common specialties among stroke expert witnesses also include vascular neurology, interventional neuroradiology, neurocritical care, and stroke prevention. They have provided opinions on the effects of medical malpractice in stroke treatment, delayed diagnosis of stroke, risk factors for stroke, post-stroke care and rehabilitation, and the impact of stroke on quality of life.

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Life Care Planning & Neurology Expert WitnessView profile


Life Care Planning & Neurology Expert Witness

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This board certified neurologist and certified life planner earned a BA in Psychology from Brandeis University and an MD from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. He is a member of a number of prestigious societies including the International Academy of Life Care Planners and the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals. He currently provides life care planning...

Neurology Expert WitnessView profile


Neurology Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert is a board certified neurologist with a specialization in Neurocritical Care. He received his Master's degree from Saint Louis University and completed his internship training at both the Patna Medical College Hospital in India and Westlake Hospital. He pursued residency training at the University of Florida and completed fellowship training at Washington University....


Neurology & Neurocritical Care Expert WitnessView profile


Neurology & Neurocritical Care Expert Witness

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This qualified expert has over 10 years of experience as a neurologist. He earned his bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery from Patna Medical College in India. He then went on to earn his MS in outcomes research and evaluation sciences from Saint Louis University. He completed his internship in internal medicine at Westlake Hospital, his neurology residency at the University of Florida,...


Stroke Expert Witness FAQs

A stroke expert witness provides specialized knowledge about strokes, their causes, prevention, and treatment. They can offer insight on medical malpractice cases, personal injury claims, or product liability suits.

Cases involving alleged medical negligence (like misdiagnosis or delayed treatment), personal injury claims related to strokes, or disputes over insurance coverage for stroke treatments may need a stroke expert witness.

A stroke expert can review medical records, identify if standard care protocols were followed, and testify whether any deviations from these standards could have led to the patient's stroke.

Yes, there are several subspecialties such as neurology, neurosurgery, vascular medicine, and rehabilitation medicine. The relevance depends on the specifics of your case.

Neuroimaging is crucial in diagnosing and treating strokes. An expert with this experience can provide valuable insights into whether appropriate imaging tests were conducted and interpreted correctly.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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