Standards Expert Witnesses

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Expert witnesses in standards practice in a variety of fields, including manufacturing, construction, healthcare, information technology, and environmental science. Some of the most common specialties among these expert witnesses include safety standards, quality control standards, building code standards, medical practice standards, and data security standards. They have provided opinions on the effects of non-compliance with industry standards, the impact of standard violations on product liability, the consequences of not adhering to safety standards, the implications of ignoring medical practice standards, and the fallout from breaches in data security standards.

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SEC Reporting Requirements Expert WitnessView profile


SEC Reporting Requirements Expert Witness

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This accounting consultant is a CPA with an M.B.A. from Cornell and a Ph.D. in Accounting from Ohio State University. Early in his career, he was an Academic Fellow in the Office of the Chief Accountant at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. He now works as a consultant to public companies on matters including SEC compliance, U.S. GAAP, international accounting standards, and control of...

Automotive Garage Standards Expert WitnessView profile


Automotive Garage Standards Expert Witness

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This automobile repair expert has been in the industry for over 45 years. He worked for 15 years at an auto tool company called Snap on Tools Corp and purchased his own automobile repair shop in 1989. He has worked with many attorneys in California and just finished a review of a case where BMW settled pre-trial.

Hospital Management & Joint Commission Standards Expert WitnessView profile


Hospital Management & Joint Commission Standards Expert Witness

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Healthcare consulting and management executive with thirty-six years of progressively responsible experience in assisting community hospitals, multi-hospital systems, academic medical and research centers, nursing homes and assisted living facilities, managed care organizations and large physician entities achieve strategic business objectives. Extensive involvement in complex...

Travel Agency, Tour Operation & Tourism Expert WitnessView profile


Travel Agency, Tour Operation & Tourism Expert Witness

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This highly-qualified expert has over 25 years of experience in travel, including the management of large corporate retail travel agency sales and service teams, tour operation, standard of care, and duty to warn. She has held a variety of roles at AAA surrounding travel arrangements including travel arrangements for corporate and independent domestic and international travel. She is currently...

Trucking & Transportation Safety & Compliance Expert WitnessView profile


Trucking & Transportation Safety & Compliance Expert Witness

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This highly qualified transportation safety and compliance expert has been involved with trucking logistics for over 30 years. He earned a BS in history and political science from Vanderbilt University and an MS in personnel management from Troy State University. He is certified in homeland security and is a certified director of safety by the North American Transportation Management Institute....

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Standards Expert Witness FAQs

A standards expert witness is a professional who provides testimony and analysis in legal cases involving industry standards, regulations, and best practices.

Standards expert witnesses are often used in product liability cases, workplace safety disputes, construction litigation, and any case where industry standards are in question.

Yes, a standards expert witness can offer detailed knowledge on specific industry regulations and how they apply to the case at hand.

Yes, some experts may specialize in certain industries like construction or manufacturing, while others might focus on areas like environmental or health and safety standards.

By comparing actions taken to established industry standards, an expert can help determine if negligence occurred due to deviation from these accepted norms.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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