Sports Management Expert Witnesses in Florida

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Expert witnesses in Sports Management practice in a variety of fields, including sports law, athletic administration, sports marketing, sports economics, and event management. Some of the most common specialties among these expert witnesses also include contract negotiation, athlete representation, sports finance, risk management in sports, and facility management. They have provided opinions on the effects of player contracts, sponsorship deals, athlete injuries, event safety protocols, and financial management within sports organizations.

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Football Expert WitnessView profile


Football Expert Witness

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This extremely qualified expert has been involved with the game of football for over 50 years. He holds a Ph.D. in Counseling and Sports Psychology from Florida State University, where he also completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Sports Psychology. He has been an active member of the American Football Coaches Association for over 40 years and completed a Governor-appointed six year term on the...

Motocross Events Expert WitnessView profile


Motocross Events Expert Witness

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This expert has been involved with Motocross for over 35 years and has organized hundreds of races. He began working in sales for Yamaha in Grenoble, France. After moving to the US, he started Desert Only Travel which was the first major motorcycle touring and special event production company. He created and produced numerous motocross races over the years, including Endurocross which was...

Sports Management Expert Witness FAQs

A Sports Management expert witness is a professional with extensive knowledge and experience in the field of sports management who can provide testimony in legal cases.

They are often required in cases involving contract disputes, athlete representation, sports marketing, event management, or any case related to the sports industry.

Subspecialties include sports marketing, facility management, sports law, finance in sports, and athletic administration among others.

They can provide insight into standard practices, interpret contract terms, assess value of services, and evaluate compliance with regulations.

An expert can analyze marketing plans, assess their effectiveness, identify industry standards and provide valuable insights based on their expertise.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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