Sexual Harassment Expert Witnesses

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Sexual harassment expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including employment law, human resources, workplace safety, psychology, and education. Some of the most common specialties among sexual harassment expert witnesses also include sexual discrimination, hostile work environment, retaliation claims, Title IX violations, and workplace investigations. They can opine on the effects of workplace culture, employer liability, psychological trauma, gender bias, and employee rights.

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Alcohol Use & Sexual Assault Expert WitnessView profile


Alcohol Use & Sexual Assault Expert Witness

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This expert has over 30 years of experience researching, alcohol intoxication, sexual violence and domestic violence. He gained his PhD in clinical psychology at the University of Washington. He has served as an associate professor of psychology at SUNY Buffalo and has directed programs in cultural psychology and ethnic studies at the University of Washington. He has published extensively on...

Sexual Harassment Expert Witness FAQs

A sexual harassment expert witness provides specialized knowledge and insight into cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct. They can help clarify complex issues, provide context, and offer professional opinions.

These experts often work on cases involving workplace misconduct, educational institution violations, or any situation where alleged sexual harassment has occurred.

They can analyze evidence, interpret behaviors, assess policies and procedures, and testify about industry standards regarding prevention and response to sexual harassment.

Yes, some experts may specialize in areas like workplace law, human resources, psychology, or education depending on the context of the alleged harassment.

Their specific expertise ensures they understand the nuances of such cases. They can provide credible testimony based on their knowledge and experience, which can be crucial for your case's outcome.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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