School Expert Witnesses

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School expert witnesses specialize in a variety of fields, including education policy, school safety, special education, school administration, and curriculum development. Some of the most common specialties among school expert witnesses also include bullying prevention, educational psychology, student rights, teacher evaluation, and school finance. They have provided opinions on the effects of classroom management strategies, inclusive education practices, incidents of school violence, academic achievement gaps, and the implementation of educational laws and regulations.

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Education Law & Special Education Expert WitnessView profile


Education Law & Special Education Expert Witness

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New Jersey

This expert provides education expert consultation for high-profile and complicated cases. As an educator and administrator, he has more than 35 years’ experience as a teacher, principal, superintendent and director of special education. He also has served as a state department of education official. As a sought-after authority on school safety and education law. This expert has presented...

School Safety & Crisis Response Expert WitnessView profile


School Safety & Crisis Response Expert Witness

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This qualified expert has over 26 years of experience in school safety and administration. She holds a B.E. in Secondary Education, a M.E. in Curriculum and Instruction, an M.E. in Educational Administration, and an Ed.D., in Educational Administration. Her previous positions include 24 years as a teacher and administrator. Since 2008, she consults and delivers school safety training to educators...

Education Expert WitnessView profile


Education Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has 40+ years of experience in education. Currently, he is the owner and president of a superintendent search firm that has completed over 200 superintendent searches in the past 14 years. This expert has held the positions of teacher, principal, and superintendent over his career. He has received numerous leadership, distinguished service, and practitioner awards by...

School Transportation Expert WitnessView profile


School Transportation Expert Witness

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New York

This expert’s involvement in school transportation began behind the wheel of a bus in the 1970s. In 1985 he served as Supervisor of a New York State Education Department Regional Safety Center and was involved in projects such as developing School Bus Driver Instructor and classroom student safety curricula. He returned to Syracuse University in 1989 and earned a Masters in Adult Education. ...

OSHA & School Safety Expert WitnessView profile


OSHA & School Safety Expert Witness

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This expert has over 35 years of experience in science education and safety compliance. He has been recognized in Who's Who in Education, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, and Who's Who in Science Education in the World. He served as a K-12 science director and chemistry/physics teacher for several decades and has written over 10 books and over 300 safety columns on science laboratory safety....

Sports & Recreation Expert WitnessView profile


Sports & Recreation Expert Witness

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New York

This expert currently serves as Professor / Chair of Health & Physical Education at a SUNY institution. Prior to this role he was the Fitness & Aquatics Director and Head Men's Lacrosse at SUNY. This expert is a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI) by the National Recreation and Park Association. He is a voting and attending member of the Sports Equipment, Playing Surfaces, and Facilities...

Child abuse Expert WitnessView profile


Child abuse Expert Witness

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This expert has extensive experience in cases involving child abuse or injury in institutional settings (i.e. schools, churches, foster care, youth groups, day care, treatment centers, residential facilities and hospitals), failure to supervise, interpersonal violence and bullying, sexual abuse by teachers, clergy or staff members and child-on-child abuse. She can help you assess standards and...

Youth Group Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Youth Group Safety Expert Witness

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This expert has over two decades of experience working in Youth Ministry. He received his Master's from Wheaton College in Clinical Psychology & a Certificate in Advanced Biblical Studies. He also successfully completed the requirements of the Youth Ministry Certification program through Group Publishing. He is also on a National Speakers Circuit and received training through Group Publishing as...

Education Expert WitnessView profile


Education Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has over 38 years of experience in education, including current work as a Superintendent Search Consultant in the state of California. He received his B.A. and M.A. from Arizona State University, as well as a Doctorate of Education from the University of Arizona. The expert was a Teacher, Assistant Principal, and Principal before holding one Assistant Superintendent...

Education & School Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Education & School Safety Expert Witness

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This expert has experience in the legal space, the education field technology and in LGBT advocacy. This expert is pre-eminent in the field of school safety, security and emergency planning and response. This expert has co-authored several national and international publications, is frequently interviewed by national print, radio and TV media, and co-founded a non-profit organization. This expert...

School Safety Practices Expert WitnessView profile


School Safety Practices Expert Witness

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This school administration expert was the Superintendent of Schools for the Mountain View Los Altos High School District in California from 2006 until 2015. He previously spent 14 years as the Superintendent of Schools for the Cambrian School District and also has prior background as a school principal and teacher. The expert graduated as a Doctor of Education from Stanford University and also...


Education/Schools Expert WitnessView profile


Education/Schools Expert Witness

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This expert on Education obtained her BA in Political Science from Antioch College, her MAT in Social Studies from the Indiana University of Bloomington, and her EdD in Urban Education Leadership from the University of Cincinnati. She is a member of the American Association of School Administration and the American Education Research Association. She has 3 Publications and is currently an...

School Supervision & Special Education Expert WitnessView profile


School Supervision & Special Education Expert Witness

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This highly qualified educational expert is fully credentialed and certified in all areas of special education. Having earned his MS in special education from Hofstra University and his EdD from Columbia University Teacher's College, this expert has served as a classroom teacher and principal in schools designed to serve special populations as well as general education/mainstream environments. He...

School Administration Expert WitnessView profile


School Administration Expert Witness

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This expert has 20+ years of progressive educational and non-profit sector leadership experience. She earned her BA in elementary education from the University of Missouri and her MEd in education leadership from Park University. She served as a classroom teacher and reaching coach for 8 years before switching into administrative roles at various charter schools. She served as a Principal of two...

High School & College Coaching Expert WitnessView profile


High School & College Coaching Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert earned his BS from the University of Florida and his MEd in counseling and psychology from the University of Arizona. He has over 40 years of experience as a coach in both high school and college programs. He has coached football, track, alpine skiing, baseball, basketball, and tennis and spoken in over 1000 high schools and colleges as an athletic development seminar...


education/schools/school safety Expert WitnessView profile


education/schools/school safety Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert earned his BSEd from Louisiana State University, his MEd from Southeastern Louisiana University, and his PhD from Louisiana State University, as well. He is a member of the Louisiana Association of School Executives and the International Association of Laboratory Schools and has been published over ten times. Formerly, he served as an assistant professor in the...

School Practices & Policies, Special Education & Leadership Organizational Policies Expert WitnessView profile


School Practices & Policies, Special Education & Leadership Organizational Policies Expert Witness

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New Jersey

This highly qualified expert has 40 years of experience in education with expertise in educational leadership, school policy, and administration. He received his MS in educational administration from Kean University and his PhD in educational leadership and organizational policy from the University of Pennsylvania. He has been certified by the New Jersey Department of Education as a teacher for...

Education Policy, Curriculum & Law Expert WitnessView profile


Education Policy, Curriculum & Law Expert Witness

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This expert in education and law has been in her field for over 20 years. She earned her BA in English from Lehigh University, her MS in education from Temple University, her EdD in education administration and supervision from Lehigh University, and her JD from Delaware Law School. She formerly served as a middle school principal at Willie Ross School for the Deaf, high school principal at...

K-12 Education Policies Expert WitnessView profile


K-12 Education Policies Expert Witness

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New Hampshire

This expert is an experienced attorney who specializes in K-12 education practices, with his work focusing on the adequacy of policies, training, supervision, protocols, investigations as they relate to educator and student behavioral misconduct, including harassment, bullying, hazing, and all forms of sexual misconduct. He earned both his BA and his JD from Washington University at St. Louis,...

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School Expert Witness FAQs

A school expert witness can provide valuable insights on cases involving educational malpractice, special education disputes, bullying incidents, and school safety issues.

School expert witnesses can analyze educational records, evaluate compliance with educational standards, and offer professional opinions based on their expertise in the field of education.

Subspecialties include special education, school safety, curriculum development, teacher training, and educational law among others.

An expert in this field understands the complexities of the education system and can provide critical insights that may not be apparent to those outside the profession.

Yes. These experts can assess whether a school has followed appropriate procedures and policies regarding such incidents.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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