Safety Expert Witnesses in Vermont

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Safety expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including construction safety, industrial safety, occupational health and safety, product safety, and environmental safety. Some of the most common specialties among safety expert witnesses also include workplace safety, fire safety, food safety, traffic safety, and chemical safety. They have provided opinions on the effects of workplace accidents, product malfunctions, hazardous materials handling, regulatory compliance, and risk assessment.

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Marine & Fishing Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Marine & Fishing Safety Expert Witness

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This expert has about 40 years experience in waterway and maritime safety. He started his career working on fishing vessels before moving into the maritime government and policy work. He was the Chairperson for the Waterways Committee for the Town of Chatham in MA before moving onto the Cap Cod Commission, also managing waterway regulation. He has worked for the US Senate working on issues...


Safety Expert Witness FAQs

A safety expert witness provides specialized knowledge on safety standards, regulations, and practices. They can testify on matters like workplace safety, product safety, or public safety.

Cases involving personal injury, industrial accidents, product liability, construction accidents, or any case where safety standards are in question may require a safety expert witness.

Yes. Safety experts often have experience in specific industries such as manufacturing, construction, or healthcare. Their industry-specific knowledge can be invaluable in certain cases.

Subspecialties can include occupational health and safety, fire safety, food safety, environmental safety, transportation safety, and more. The right subspecialty depends on the specifics of your case.

In product liability cases, a safety expert can analyze whether a product was designed and manufactured safely and if proper warnings were provided.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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