Recreational Safety Expert Witnesses

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Recreational safety expert witnesses specialize in a variety of fields, including sports safety, outdoor recreation, amusement park safety, aquatic safety, and playground safety. Some of the most common recreational safety expert witness specialties also include adventure tourism safety, fitness center safety, skiing and snowboarding safety, water park safety, and camping safety. They have provided opinions on the effects of equipment malfunctions, improper supervision, inadequate training, unsafe premises, and failure to follow safety protocols.

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Nursing Expert WitnessView profile


Nursing Expert Witness

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This highly experienced director of nursing for a 180 bed skilled nursing, assisted living and independent living community has over ten years of experience as a multi-state regional nurse manager. Her current position involves supervision of 150 team members to include the physicians, nurse team, floor nurses, social workers, infection control, quality assurance, medical records, a commissary...

Aquatics Safety & Lifeguarding Expert WitnessView profile


Aquatics Safety & Lifeguarding Expert Witness

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This expert has a company dedicated to drowning and aquatic injury prevention and emergency management. In that regard, they develop educational curricula in Lifeguard Operations and Management, Aquatics Safety and Drowning Prevention, Water Rescue, Swiftwater Rescue, and Ice Rescue, and conduct this training both nationally and internationally for the Public Safety and Rescue, as well as the...

Adventure Tourism & Mountaineering Expert WitnessView profile


Adventure Tourism & Mountaineering Expert Witness

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This highly experienced climbing, mountaineering and hiking expert is an accomplished guide with experience in numerous locations including the Cascades of Washington State, the BC Coast Range, Nevada's Red Rock Canyon, the Alaska Range, California's Joshua Tree National Park and Eastern Sierra, as well as in the Enchanted Rocks of Texas. He has served as an American Alpine Institute guide...

Recreation facility & personnel management Expert WitnessView profile


Recreation facility & personnel management Expert Witness

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This expert has over 13 years of experience as a program director, for non profit, municipal and private sectors. He is very knowledgeable of the regulations and bylaws of recreational facilities although they may differ depending on the province. Additionally, he is currently the Executive Director of the health club in Ontario, overseeing all services and programs.

Tai Chi & Qigong Instruction Expert WitnessView profile


Tai Chi & Qigong Instruction Expert Witness

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This expert has over 30 years experience studying and teaching Chinese Kenpo, Yang Tai Chi Long Form, Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has studied under various teachers and Masters such as Dr Roger Jahnke, OMD founder of Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi. He is certified as a Integral Qigong & Tai Chi Teacher Level 3 completing over 270 hours of training. He is also a member of...


Sports & Recreation Expert WitnessView profile


Sports & Recreation Expert Witness

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This sports and recreation expert is located in Canada and is a member of Parks & Recreation Ontario, Coaching Associations of Canada, and Phsyical & Health Education Canada. He is currently Programming Chair and Board Member of a major recreational association.

Physical Education & Recreation Expert WitnessView profile


Physical Education & Recreation Expert Witness

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New York

This expert currently currently serves as Professor and Academic Chair of the Physical Education Department at a community college in New York. Prior to this role he was the Fitness & Aquatics Director and Head Men's Lacrosse at Suffolk County Community College. This expert is a Certified Playground Safety Inspector by the National Recreation and Park Association. He currently serves on the...

Mechanical Design & Safety – bicycles Expert WitnessView profile


Mechanical Design & Safety – bicycles Expert Witness

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This expert runs a full-service, comprehensive safety and engineering facility. As a leader in the field of mechanical engineering and safety, his goal is to increase awareness of personal safety issues, while maintaining exacting standards and best practices of the science of personal safety and industrial safety. He is a member of numerous prestigious societies in the field, including the...

Playground Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Playground Safety Expert Witness

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A certified leisure professional and playground safety inspector, this expert is also a nationally acknowledged expert in the area of playground safety. She has made presentations both nationally and internationally on playground design and safety, and is the author /co author of over 150 articles on playgrounds and children’s play. This expert has held numerous leadership and committee...

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The Average Recreational Safety Expert Witness
Charges $292 / Hour

Based on hourly rates. Compare expert witness rates across thousands of specialties in all 50 states.

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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Deposition Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Court Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

Recreational Safety Expert Witness FAQs

A recreational safety expert witness provides specialized knowledge in cases involving accidents or injuries that occur during recreational activities. They can testify on standards, procedures, and safety measures.

These experts often handle cases involving accidents at amusement parks, sports facilities, playgrounds, swimming pools, and other recreational venues.

They can provide insight into whether proper safety protocols were followed, identify potential negligence, and assess the severity of injuries relative to safety standards.

Yes, some experts may specialize in specific areas like water sports safety, playground safety, adventure tourism safety, or winter sports safety.

Absolutely. They can evaluate if the equipment was faulty or if it failed to meet industry safety standards, contributing to an injury.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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