Planning Expert Witnesses in Michigan

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Planning expert witnesses specialize in a variety of fields, including urban planning, environmental planning, transportation planning, land use planning, and community development. Some of the most common specialties among these experts also include zoning regulations, real estate development, public policy, historic preservation, and housing policy. They have provided opinions on the effects of urban redevelopment, environmental impact assessments, zoning disputes, land use conflicts, and infrastructure planning.

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Life Care Planning & Vocational Evaluation Expert WitnessView profile


Life Care Planning & Vocational Evaluation Expert Witness

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This certified life care planner and vocational evaluator has decades of experience in economic damages evaluation. He received specialized training in the economics of personal injury and work capacity evaluation, and he serves as a reviewer for The Earnings Analyst and the Journal of Forensic Vocationology. He has published numerous articles on life care planning and vocational and...

Planning Expert Witness FAQs

A planning expert witness provides specialized knowledge and insights on urban planning, zoning laws, land use, and development projects. They can offer critical testimony to support or dispute claims in court.

Cases involving land disputes, zoning issues, environmental impact assessments, property development conflicts, or any case where urban planning expertise is needed may require a planning expert witness.

Yes, a planning expert witness can provide valuable insights into city infrastructure planning and development, including transportation systems, public utilities, and community facilities.

Yes, some experts may specialize in areas like environmental planning, transportation planning, urban design, housing policy, or regional planning.

An expert in this area can evaluate whether proper procedures were followed during the assessment process and if the findings accurately reflect potential environmental impacts.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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