Physical Education Expert Witnesses

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Physical education expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including sports medicine, athletic training, physical fitness, health education, and adaptive physical education. Some of the most common specialties for these expert witnesses also include exercise physiology, kinesiology, sports psychology, and recreational safety. They have provided opinions on the effects of physical activity on health, injury prevention in sports, standards for physical education programs, the impact of physical education on academic performance, and liability issues in athletics.

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Physical Education/physical training/exercise Expert WitnessView profile


Physical Education/physical training/exercise Expert Witness

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This expert is highly qualified in the field of physical education, physical training, and exercise. With over 40 years of experience in the field, this expert has served as a university department chair, led K-12 health and physical education for the State of Iowa, and inspired an Army physical readiness training paradigm shift that remains unchallenged today.

Health & Physical Education Expert WitnessView profile


Health & Physical Education Expert Witness

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This well seasoned professor of higher education has over 30 years of experience in physical education and recreational sports. Throughout his career he has been a member of several professional societies including the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA), the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA), the National Association of Student Personnel...

Physical Education & Fitness Equipment Expert WitnessView profile


Physical Education & Fitness Equipment Expert Witness

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This physical education and fitness equipment expert has over 30 years of industry consulting experience. He has a Doctor of Education from the University of Houston and has held numerous professorships over the course of his career. Most recently, the expert was a tenured Professor and the Chair of Human Performance and Sport at Metropolitan State College of Denver. He has published 80+...

Sports & Recreation Expert WitnessView profile


Sports & Recreation Expert Witness

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This sports and recreation expert is located in Canada and is a member of Parks & Recreation Ontario, Coaching Associations of Canada, and Phsyical & Health Education Canada. He is currently Programming Chair and Board Member of a major recreational association.

Physical Education & Recreation Expert WitnessView profile


Physical Education & Recreation Expert Witness

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New York

This expert currently currently serves as Professor and Academic Chair of the Physical Education Department at a community college in New York. Prior to this role he was the Fitness & Aquatics Director and Head Men's Lacrosse at Suffolk County Community College. This expert is a Certified Playground Safety Inspector by the National Recreation and Park Association. He currently serves on the...

Public Health & Physical Education Expert WitnessView profile


Public Health & Physical Education Expert Witness

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West Virginia

This highly qualified expert is an Associate Professor of Community Health and Physical Education. She has a Ph.D. in Kinesiology (Physical Education Teacher Education) from the College of Physical Activity and Sports Science at West Virginia University, a MS in Community Health Education from the West Virginia University School of Medicine, and a BS in Health and Physical Education from Edinboro...

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Physical Education Expert Witness FAQs

A Physical Education expert witness provides insight on standards, practices, and safety protocols in physical education settings. They can testify on issues like sports injuries, negligence, or improper training.

Cases involving sports-related injuries, disputes over athletic performance, allegations of negligence by coaches or trainers, or lawsuits related to physical education programs often need such experts.

Yes, they can provide valuable insights into whether appropriate safety measures were followed during PE classes or school sports activities, potentially determining school liability.

Yes, some experts may specialize in areas like adaptive physical education for special needs students, sports psychology, athletic training protocols, or specific sports rules and regulations.

They review all relevant information including medical records, incident reports, and training protocols. They assess if standard care was provided and if any negligence contributed to the injury.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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