Patent Infringement Expert Witnesses

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Patent infringement expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including intellectual property law, technology, engineering, pharmaceuticals, and software development. Some of the most common patent infringement expert witness specialties also include patent analysis, patent valuation, patent licensing, patent prosecution, and patentability. They can opine on the effects of technological advancements, product design, market competition, innovation processes, and legal strategies related to patent infringement.

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Computer Science & Algorithms Expert WitnessView profile


Computer Science & Algorithms Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert from the field of computer science has an MS and a Ph.D from John Hopkins University. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow of Association of Computing Machinery and Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. This expert has received several awards for his work, including Best Paper awards, Vice...

Electrical Engineering Expert WitnessView profile


Electrical Engineering Expert Witness

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This master electrician has almost 40 years of hands on experience. His areas of expertise include national electrical code compliance, safety code compliance, high voltage electrical safety orders, grounding and bonding of electrical systems, electrical line contact, high voltage contact, power plant wiring, ANSI standards, electrical patent infringement, accident investigation and OSHA...

Emergency Surgery Trauma & Critical Care Expert WitnessView profile


Emergency Surgery Trauma & Critical Care Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert is double board certified in Surgery and Surgical Critical Care. He is Fellowship trained in Surgical Critical Care from one of the nation's top medical schools and holds membership in multiple prestigious medical organizations such as the Society of Critical Care Medicine. He is a Fellow of the highly regarded American College of Surgeons. He has been widely...

Mechanical Engineer Medical Device Expert WitnessView profile


Mechanical Engineer Medical Device Expert Witness

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This expert has been working as a mechanical engineer and testifying expert witness for over 30 years. He holds both an M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University and a BES from Georgia Tech. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and a Member of SAE and ASM....

Biomedical Patent Licensing & Negotiation Expert WitnessView profile


Biomedical Patent Licensing & Negotiation Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert is the current director of the Office of Technology Transfer and Licensing at a major college in Massachusetts. He previously served as assistant director in the Office of Technology Transfer at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York and was an assistant professor in Virginia Commonwealth University. He has 10+ years of biomedical science research experience and a...

Law & Economics Expert WitnessView profile


Law & Economics Expert Witness

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This expert is an empirical economist and law professor with testifying experience. His research interests revolve around employment law; the dynamics of civil litigation, particularly settlement; criminal law; and sentencing law and reform. He earned his JD, magna cum laude, from Harvard Law School, where he was the treasurer and an editor of the Harvard Law Review; he went on to earn a PhD in...

Intellectual Property & Patents Expert WitnessView profile


Intellectual Property & Patents Expert Witness

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This expert has over 40 years of experience in the patent field. He spent 33 years in the USPTO starting as a patent examiner and working his way through the ranks to become the Commissioner for Patents in March 2000. After retirement from government service, this expert was the executive advisor at the intellectual property law firm of Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch LLP. His practice included...

Product Formulation Patent Infringement Expert WitnessView profile


Product Formulation Patent Infringement Expert Witness

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New York

This well-credentialed expert earned his B.S. in Pharmacy from Columbia University, an M.S. in Pharmacy from the University of Iowa, and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Iowa. He has extensive experience in cosmetics development, including positions at Johnson & Johnson, Avon Products, and DeLaire Inc. From 1993 until 2001, the expert was the Senior Director of Research...

Intellectual Property Infringement Damages Expert WitnessView profile


Intellectual Property Infringement Damages Expert Witness

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This expert is an extensively published economic damages and Intellectual property consultant. He has completed complex consulting assignments involving the valuation and pricing of patents, trademarks, copyrights and other intangible assets. His opinions are used to accomplish licensing transactions, acquisitions, transfer pricing, litigation support, collateral-based financing, and joint...

Electrical Engineering & Laser Science Expert WitnessView profile


Electrical Engineering & Laser Science Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University University. He is the primary inventor of 11 patents and has reviewed 20+ cases on patent validity and infringement since 1998. He is a Fellow of several professional organizations in the field including...

Design Patent Expert WitnessView profile


Design Patent Expert Witness

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This industrial design expert has 45+ years of experience in product design and engineering. The expert founded a successful industrial design development company in Philadelphia in 1970 and remained Principle of the business through 2012. In addition, he served as a local and national officer for the Industrial Designers Society of America and was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award as...

Intellectual Property (Patent) Damages Expert WitnessView profile


Intellectual Property (Patent) Damages Expert Witness

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This qualified expert holds an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin and is a Certified Licensing Professional as well as an Certified Valuation Analyst. He specializes in intellectual property damages analysis including reasonable royalty and lost profit calculations. With more than 17 years experience in the fields of intellectual property assertion, intellectual property monetization,...

Intellectual Property & Patent Infringement Expert WitnessView profile


Intellectual Property & Patent Infringement Expert Witness

This highly qualified expert has over 40 years of experience before the US Patent and Trademark Office dealing with intellectual property and patent litigation in electronics. He earned his MS in Electrical Engineering at the University of Michigan and then his JD from Georgetown University. He has over 80 patents to his name and has given seminars in his field. He has been an associate attorney...

Patent Infringement & Insurance Software Expert WitnessView profile


Patent Infringement & Insurance Software Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has nearly 40 years of experience in his field. He received his BS in mathematics from Denison University and his MBA in finance from the University of Michigan. He was the founder and CEO of three successful insurance software companies over the course of nearly 30 years. He has also formerly served as the VP of national accounts for Republic Hogg Robinson, the...

Patient Infringement & Healthcare Software Expert WitnessView profile


Patient Infringement & Healthcare Software Expert Witness

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South Carolina

This highly qualified expert has over 35 years of experience in healthcare and over 45 years of experience in information technology. He received his BBA in quantitative methods and his MBA in economics and finance from the University of Missouri. He then earned his PhD in healthcare administration at Anderson University. His former positions include executive vice president and general manager...

Semiconductors & Patents Expert WitnessView profile


Semiconductors & Patents Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has 55 years of experience with semiconductors and over 15 years of experience with patents. He earned his BSEE from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a focus on semiconductors. He completed advanced management courses through Raytheon and is a registered U.S. patent agent. This expert currently holds 4 patents and has published 4 technology books. For 20 years,...


Patents & Software-Related Intellectual Property Expert WitnessView profile


Patents & Software-Related Intellectual Property Expert Witness

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This qualified expert has extensive experience with patents and software-related intellectual property as an IT litigation consultant and attorney. He received his BS in biology and chemistry from Stony Brook University and his MS in chemistry from SUNY Stony Brook before earning his JD from Georgetown University. He also earned his MML in international business and economic law from Georgetown...

Intellectual Property & Patents Expert WitnessView profile


Intellectual Property & Patents Expert Witness

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This expert in intellectual property and patents received his BA in astronomy and his MA in physics from the University of California-Berkeley as well as his JD from Harvard Law School. He is a member of the Bar of the State of California and is registered to practice before the US Patent & Trademark Office. He has extensive experience in patent portfolio strategy and management, as well as IP...

Pharmaceuticals & Patents Expert WitnessView profile


Pharmaceuticals & Patents Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has nearly three decades of experience in the field of pharmaceutical development. She received her BS in biochemistry and organic chemistry and both her DEA and PhD in medicinal chemistry, all from the University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, a prestigious French University. She holds 20 patents, mostly in relation to the processing and preparation of pharmaceuticals...

Bicycle Patents, Event Safety, Product Failures & Crashsite Investigations Expert WitnessView profile


Bicycle Patents, Event Safety, Product Failures & Crashsite Investigations Expert Witness

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This highly-qualified expert has nearly 30 years of experience in the bicycle industry. He has expertise across a variety of bicycle-related areas, including bicycle and triathlon event safety, analysis of bicycle crashes and accident sites, product failures, and bicycle-related intellectual property matters such as patents and trademarks. He earned his BS in mechanical engineering from the State...

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Patent Infringement Expert Witness FAQs

A patent infringement expert witness provides specialized knowledge about patents, their interpretation, and potential violations. They can offer crucial insights to help determine if a patent has been infringed upon.

These experts often handle cases involving intellectual property disputes, specifically those related to alleged patent violations. This could include technology, pharmaceuticals, or any patented invention.

They can analyze the patents involved, compare them with the accused product or process, and provide an opinion on whether there's an infringement. Their testimony can be pivotal in court.

Subspecialties may include specific industries like biotechnology, software, or mechanical engineering. Experts might also specialize in international patent law or licensing issues.

Each industry has unique nuances in its patents. An expert with industry-specific experience will understand these intricacies and provide more accurate and relevant analysis and testimony.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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