Pain Expert Witnesses in Texas

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Pain management expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including anesthesiology, neurology, psychiatry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and palliative care. Some of the most common specialties among pain management expert witnesses include chronic pain management, opioid use and misuse, nerve damage, spinal cord stimulation, and complex regional pain syndrome. They have provided opinions on the effects of medication side effects, surgical complications, injury-related pain, workers' compensation cases, and disability claims.

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Pain Management Anesthesiology Emergency Medicine Expert WitnessView profile


Pain Management Anesthesiology Emergency Medicine Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert is triple board certified in pain management, anesthesiology, and emergency medicine. He received his BA in biology from The University of Texas at Austin and his MD from Texas Tech University School of Medicine. He completed one residency in emergency medicine at The University of Texas at Austin and another in anesthesiology at John Sealy Hospital. Afterwards, this...

PACU & Operating Room Nursing Expert WitnessView profile


PACU & Operating Room Nursing Expert Witness

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This expert has over 45 years of experience in nursing, focusing on surgical nursing and post-surgery recovery. She earned her BS in nursing at Pan American University, her MS in public health nursing at the University of Texas Brownsville, and her EdD with a focus in health science education at the University of Houston. She has held numerous positions in various facilities across Texas with a...

Anesthesiology & Pain Management Expert WitnessView profile


Anesthesiology & Pain Management Expert Witness

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This anesthesiology and pain management expert earned his MD from the American University of the Caribbean. He then completed a residency in anesthesiology from the University of Massachusetts and a fellowship in pain medicine from the University of Toledo. This expert is active in his field as a member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the American Society of Interventional Pain...

Pain Expert Witness FAQs

A pain management expert witness provides insight into standards of care, treatment options, and the impact of injuries on a patient's pain levels. They can testify on the appropriateness of prescribed treatments.

Cases involving personal injury, medical malpractice, worker's compensation, or any case where pain management is a significant factor may require such an expert witness.

These experts can provide valuable insights into appropriate prescribing practices, addiction risks, and alternative treatments for chronic pain.

Yes, some experts may specialize in areas like neuropathic pain, cancer-related pain, or post-surgical pain management.

Certified experts have proven their knowledge and skills in this complex field. Their testimony carries more weight due to their recognized expertise.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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