Oral Surgery Expert Witnesses in California

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Expert witnesses in oral surgery practice in a variety of fields, including dental surgery, maxillofacial surgery, oral pathology, and dental implants. Some of the most common specialties among these expert witnesses also include temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), facial trauma, oral cancer, and wisdom teeth extraction. They have provided opinions on the effects of surgical errors, dental malpractice, nerve damage, post-operative complications, and anesthesia-related issues.

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General Dentistry Expert WitnessView profile


General Dentistry Expert Witness

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This highly-qualified dentist has 25 years of clinical experience in his field. He earned his BS from the University of California Berkeley before earning his MBA from the University of Phoenix and his DDS from the University of the Pacific. He is active in his field as a member of the American Dental Association and Sacramento District Dental Society. Formerly, he served as a US Army brigade...


Dentistry Expert WitnessView profile


Dentistry Expert Witness

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This highly qualified dental expert earned his DDS and completed residency training in advanced dentistry at New York University College of Dentistry. He has won numerous awards throughout his career and sits on a number of dental committees including the Medical Disciplinary Committee of Delta Dental. He is currently a privately practicing dentist specializing in general dentistry, cosmetic...

Prosthetic Dentistry Expert WitnessView profile


Prosthetic Dentistry Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert is a California Board Certified Dentist with over thirty years of Post-Doctoral Teaching and Private Clinical Practice experience. Clinically, he primarily focuses on general dentistry, restorative dentistry and prosthetic dentistry. He is a graduate of McGill University School of Dentistry and also holds a Post-Doctoral, Advanced Master’s Degree in Professional...

Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Expert WitnessView profile


Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Expert Witness

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This board-certified expert earned his BS in Biology from the University of California, Los Angeles, his MS in Oral Biology from the Ohio State University, and his DDS from the University of Southern California Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry. He went on to complete his residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. He remains active in his field as a member of numerous associations including...

Dentistry & Prosthodontics Expert WitnessView profile


Dentistry & Prosthodontics Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has over 40 years of dental experience. He earned his BS in biology from Washington University and his DMD from Washington University School of Dental Medicine. He is certified in prosthodontics and is a member of the Academy of General Dentistry and the American Dental Association. Formerly, this expert served as a clinical assistant professor of removable...


Dentistry & Orthodontics Expert WitnessView profile


Dentistry & Orthodontics Expert Witness

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This expert has extensive experience in dentistry and orthodontics. He earned his BS from Syracuse University, his DDS from New York University, and his MScD in pedodontics from Boston University. He is a member of numerous organizations including the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and the International Association for Orthodontics. Afterwards, he...

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Expert WitnessView profile


Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert completed her BS from Syracuse University and earned her DMD from Fairleigh Dickinson University School of Dentistry. She completed a Residency in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at Mt Sinai Medical Center. This expert is a Fellow of the American College of Dentists and a member of prestigious associations such as the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, the...

The Average Oral Surgery Expert Witness
Charges $967 / Hour

Based on hourly rates. Compare expert witness rates across thousands of specialties in all 50 states.

  • Review Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Deposition Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Court Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

Oral Surgery Expert Witness FAQs

An oral surgery expert witness provides specialized knowledge in court cases, offering insight on standard care practices, patient outcomes, and potential malpractice issues.

They can handle cases involving dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, facial trauma, oral cancer, TMJ disorders, and other complex dental procedures.

They can review medical records, identify if there was a breach in the standard of care, and testify on the potential impact of such breaches on patient outcomes.

Yes. Subspecialties include maxillofacial pathology, reconstructive surgery, cosmetic facial surgery, and pediatric oral surgery among others.

Each case has unique aspects. An expert with experience in your specific case type will have a deeper understanding of the nuances involved and provide more accurate testimony.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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