Occupational Therapy Expert Witnesses in California

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Occupational therapy expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including rehabilitation, pediatrics, geriatrics, mental health, and workplace ergonomics. Some of the most common occupational therapy expert witness specialties also include hand therapy, assistive technology, neurorehabilitation, and sensory processing disorders. They can opine on the effects of traumatic brain injuries, stroke recovery, developmental disabilities, workplace injuries, and aging-related conditions.

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Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation & Pain Medicine Expert WitnessView profile


Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation & Pain Medicine Expert Witness

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This qualified expert earned her BS in computer science from International Christian University in Japan before earning her DO from Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine. She subsequently completed an internship at Alameda County Medical Center, a residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Mount Sinai's Icahn School of Medicine, and a fellowship in pain medicine at UC San...

Physiatry Expert WitnessView profile


Physiatry Expert Witness

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This highly-qualified expert has over 10 years of experience as a physiatrist. He received his BA in mathematics and philosophy from Yale University before earning his MD from the University of California San Francisco. He subsequently completed an internship at Highland General Hospital and a residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Stanford University, where he served as both...

Program Grants & Contract Manager Expert WitnessView profile


Program Grants & Contract Manager Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has over 20+ years experience directing food stamp programs. Former positions include Regional Food Stamp Program Director, Administrator Review Officer, EBT Project Director, and EBT Regional Implementation Manager. He has directed over 200 regional and field office staff involved in state agency policy support and food retailer management. He has adjudicated...

Physical Therapy Expert WitnessView profile


Physical Therapy Expert Witness

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This qualified expert of Physical Therapy obtained his BS in Kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton and his DPT in Physical Therapy from Azusa Pacific University. He is a Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopedics and in Physical Therapy and is also Certified as a Clinical Instructor, Worker's Compensation Care Provider, and in Manuel Therapy. He is a member of multiple...

Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Expert WitnessView profile


Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Expert Witness

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This highly-qualified expert has 25 years of experience as a physical therapist, with her work focused on balance and fall risk, shoulder injuries, concussions, work injuries, sports medicine, and orthopaedics. She received her BS in biology from Clarke College before earning her MS in physical therapy from Boston University This expert then completed a biometry (biostatistics) program through...

Occupational Therapy Expert WitnessView profile


Occupational Therapy Expert Witness

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This expert is responsible for the creation of the Outpatient Occupational Therapy Program at St Vincent Medical Center in Los Angeles, and was the first Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialist in the city. He has clinical experience in acute care, intensive care, transitional care, inpatient rehab, skilled nursing, assisted living, and home health occupational therapy. He previously served on...

Occupational Therapy Expert Witness FAQs

An occupational therapy expert witness provides insight on cases involving rehabilitation, disability, injury recovery, and adaptive equipment. They can assess treatment plans and patient progress.

These experts are crucial in personal injury, medical malpractice, workers' compensation, and disability claims. They can evaluate the appropriateness of care provided.

Yes, some occupational therapists specialize in areas like pediatrics, geriatrics, mental health, or hand therapy. The specialty needed would depend on the specifics of your case.

They can provide assessments on whether appropriate ergonomic practices were followed and if the injury could have been prevented with proper workplace accommodations.

Absolutely. They can provide valuable insights into the necessary ongoing treatments, adaptive equipment needs, and potential costs for long-term care.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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