Occupational Health and Safety Expert Witnesses

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Occupational Health and Safety expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including construction safety, industrial hygiene, ergonomics, environmental health, and workplace accident investigation. Some of the most common Occupational Health and Safety expert witness specialties also include hazard communication, occupational disease, safety training programs, OSHA compliance, and workplace violence prevention. They can opine on the effects of inadequate safety measures, exposure to hazardous materials, workplace accidents, ergonomic issues, and violations of OSHA standards.

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Factory Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Factory Safety Expert Witness

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This expert is an independent safety consultant out of the UK. For the past 27 years, he has worked in a variety of engineering environments to ensure that UK/EU safety standards were upheld. He is familiar with the UK factory safety standards and product safe design standards and has the appropriate experience to help with this case. He has worked large engineering companies to ensure their...

Healthcare Management Expert Witness # E-008180View profile


Healthcare Management Expert Witness # E-008180

This highly qualified healthcare management expert has 20 years of experience in the field. He received a Masters in Health Administration from The Ohio State University and is a Certified Healthcare Executive. he was appointed as an Associate Graduate Faculty Member at Central Michigan University to teach aspects of Health Services Organizations in the Master of Science in Administration with...

OSHA Expert WitnessView profile


OSHA Expert Witness

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This expert is experienced with fatality, catastrophic injury and personal injury cases. He holds multiple certifications in occupational safety & health and OSHA compliance. Expertise includes forklifts, boom lifts, scissor lifts, fall protection, machine guarding, work zones, scaffolds, excavations. He specializes in applying OSHA General Industry regulations, OSHA Construction regulations, and...

OSHA Safety Expert WitnessView profile


OSHA Safety Expert Witness

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North Carolina

This highly-qualified expert has 20+ years of experience in the occupational safety industry both as an educator and consultant in the field. She has 20 years of experience in safety management, 16 years in safety consulting, and 20 years of teaching safety courses at top ranking accredited Universities. She has a Masters from Indiana University in Occupational Health and Safety and a B.S. in...

Hospital Administration Expert WitnessView profile


Hospital Administration Expert Witness

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New York

This extremely qualified healthcare administrator has received his medical training at among the top ten medical institutions in the country, and has been appointed to numerous high ranking positions in healthcare administration including Medical Director of one of the largest hospitals in the country.

Labor Analysis Expert WitnessView profile


Labor Analysis Expert Witness

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New Jersey

This expert has worked in labor analysis for over 35 years and has published extensively on the labor market. Previously, he worked at the U.S. Department of Labor where he received numerous Outstanding Performance/Secretary's Exceptional Achievement Awards. He has a PhD in the Economics of Human Resources and is currently Senior Consultant for an employment analysis firm. He has consulted and...

Occupational Health & Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Occupational Health & Safety Expert Witness

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New York

This expert has over 15 years of experience in occupational health and safety. His expertise includes construction safety, accident investigation, OSHA and ANSI standards, fall protection, ladders, scaffolds, aerial and scissor lifts and excavation. For the past seventeen years, he has taught for the Region II OSHA Education Centers & currently serves as course chairperson for eleven different...

Machine Safeguarding & Energy Control Expert WitnessView profile


Machine Safeguarding & Energy Control Expert Witness

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West Virginia

This extremely qualified expert has years of experience in human factors, machine design and systems methodologies as they apply to the prevention of injury involving industrial and agricultural equipment. He received his MEA degree from George Washington University and his PhD degree in industrial engineering from West Virginia University. He is a member of multiple professional associations,...

Safety Mangement & Program Development Expert WitnessView profile


Safety Mangement & Program Development Expert Witness

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This expert has experience in Environmental, Health, Safety (EHS) operations specializing in developing and revitalizing EHS cultures to meet regulatory, organizational, and employee needs for significant EHS improvements. He is a certified OSHA Technical Institute (OTI) Trainer for General Industry and Construction, and an Adjunct Instructor, Graduate Studies, Public Safety Management at a...

Occupational Health & Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Occupational Health & Safety Expert Witness

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This Certified Safety Professional has provided consulting services to Louisiana business in the construction, petro-chemical, utilities, fossil fuel, nuclear, oil and gas, and manufacturing industries for many years. He has experience directing safety programs for heavy industrial companies by providing supervisory oversight of safety management system development and implementation. He has...

EHS / Industrial Hygiene Expert WitnessView profile


EHS / Industrial Hygiene Expert Witness

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This expert has over 40 years of experience in the occupational health and safety field. He received his BS from Oakland University and MPH in Environmental Health from the University of Michigan. He has been certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene in the comprehensive practice of industrial hygiene since 1980. He is also certified by the State of California, Division of...

Occupational Health & Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Occupational Health & Safety Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has over 30 years in the Safety, Health and Risk Management field. After receiving his BS in Occupational Health and Safety from Columbia Southern University, this expert went on to receive Master Certificates in Project Management and Executive Leadership for Safety Professionals from Boston University and Harvard University respectively. He also received his law...

OSHA Regulatory Compliance Expert WitnessView profile


OSHA Regulatory Compliance Expert Witness

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This certified safety professional (CSP) and authorized OSHA outreach trainer has been in the occupational safety field for more than a decade. A member of the American Society of Safety Engineers, he earned his Bachelor's degree in Risk Management and Insurance and MBA from the University of Georgia.

Occupational Health & Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Occupational Health & Safety Expert Witness

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This highly qualified occupational safety and health expert has over thirty years of experience. He earned his BS in occupational safety and health from Columbia Southern University. He is a board certified safety professional, environmental safety and health trainer, and construction health and safety technician. This expert is also a certified hazardous materials manager. He is a member of the...

Commercial Insurance & Occupational Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Commercial Insurance & Occupational Safety Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has extensive experience in commercial insurance and occupational safety. He earned his BA in philosophy from Allegheny College and is an associate of risk management and associate of underwriting through the AICPCU/The Institutes, as well as an OSHA-authorized general industry instructor and a certified occupational health and safety technician. He began his career...

Coefficient of Friction Testing Expert WitnessView profile


Coefficient of Friction Testing Expert Witness

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This expert has extensive experience with coefficient of friction testing, OHSA, ANSI, risk and root cause analysis, and ergonomic assessments. He earned his AS in computer science from Westwood College of Technology and his BS in occupational health and safety from Columbia Southern University. He earned his SHEP (safety, health, and environmental) certification and has completed trainings in...

Occupational Safety & Health Expert WitnessView profile


Occupational Safety & Health Expert Witness

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This highly qualified occupation health and safety expert has over 30 years of experience in his field, specializing in asbestos, lead, and industrial hygiene issues. After earning his BS from the University of Massachusetts, this expert went on to become a certified safety professional and ergonomics assessment specialist. He is an active member of the American Society of Safety Professionals...

Occupational Health & Safety & Risk Management Expert WitnessView profile


Occupational Health & Safety & Risk Management Expert Witness

This qualified health and safety expert earned his MSc in occupational safety and health as well as his doctorate in education from the University of Aston. Additionally, he received diplomas in safety management and professional consulting. This expert is a certified emergency manager and licensed in safety and loss prevention. He is active in his field as a member of several professional...

Work Zone Safety, Mining & Traffic Construction Expert WitnessView profile


Work Zone Safety, Mining & Traffic Construction Expert Witness

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North Carolina

This highly-qualified expert has over 25 years of experience in work zone safety, with demonstrated experience in health and safety management, regulatory compliance, safety auditing and reviews, and accident and incident investigations in areas of construction and mine safety. He earned his AS in electronics systems technology at Community College of the Air Force and his BS in occupational...

Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Safety & Health Expert WitnessView profile


Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Safety & Health Expert Witness

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This highly qualified industrial hygiene expert has experience in exposure assessments, asbestos, silica, beryllium, formaldehyde, respiratory protection, hazardous materials, and confined spaces. He earned his BS in business administration from the University of Wyoming. He is a certified industrial hygienist, hazardous materials manager, safety professional, and safety manager. He has given...

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Occupational Health and Safety Expert Witness FAQs

An Occupational Health and Safety expert witness provides testimony, reports, and opinions on legal cases related to workplace safety, health regulations, and industry standards.

These experts are crucial in personal injury cases, workers' compensation claims, industrial accidents, product liability suits, and regulatory compliance disputes.

Subspecialties include industrial hygiene, ergonomics, hazardous materials management, environmental health & safety, and construction safety.

They can assess whether proper safety protocols were followed, evaluate the cause of the accident, and determine if there were any OSHA violations.

Familiarity with OSHA regulations is vital as these rules often form the basis for determining negligence or non-compliance in workplace safety-related lawsuits.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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