Occupational and Environmental Medicine Expert Witnesses

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Occupational and Environmental Medicine expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including industrial hygiene, toxicology, public health, epidemiology, and occupational safety. Some of the most common specialties within Occupational and Environmental Medicine also include workplace injuries, environmental exposure, occupational diseases, environmental toxicology, and workplace safety regulations. They have provided opinions on the effects of chemical exposures, asbestos-related diseases, work-related accidents, hazardous waste exposure, and indoor air quality.

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Pain Management, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation & Occupational Medicine Expert WitnessView profile


Pain Management, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation & Occupational Medicine Expert Witness

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This highly-qualified expert has extensive experience in occupational medicine, pain management, and physical medicine and rehabilitation. He received his BA in biology from the University of Pennsylvania before earning his MPH in public health leadership from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his MD at Temple University. He subsequently completed an internal medicine internship...

Aerospace & Occupational Medicine Expert WitnessView profile


Aerospace & Occupational Medicine Expert Witness

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This double board-certified expert has over 30 years of experience in preventive medicine, specifically aerospace and occupational medicine. He received a M.D. from the University of Kansas and finished a fellowship in Space Medicine at NASA and the Johnson Space Center in Houston. A Senior FAA Medical Examiner, he has been elected as a Fellow to the American College of Preventive Medicine, the...

Occupational Medicine & Environmental Health Expert WitnessView profile


Occupational Medicine & Environmental Health Expert Witness

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West Virginia

This expert received his medical degree from Wayne State University and an MSc in Environmental Health from the City University of New York. He completed his residency at Brown University and the Mayo Clinic, and he is board-certified in Internal Medicine and in Occupational Medicine. In his current clinical role, he provides diagnostic and intervention advice to patients concerned with exposure...

Occupational & Environmental Medicine Expert WitnessView profile


Occupational & Environmental Medicine Expert Witness

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New York

This highly qualified and fellowship trained expert earned his BS in Biology from Cornell University and his MD with Distinction from the University of Rochester. He also holds an MPH from SUNY Albany's School of Public Health. He completed both residency and fellowship training in occupational and environmental medicine at prestigious Harvard University. As a result, he is board certified in...

EHS / Industrial Hygiene Expert WitnessView profile


EHS / Industrial Hygiene Expert Witness

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This expert has over 40 years of experience in the occupational health and safety field. He received his BS from Oakland University and MPH in Environmental Health from the University of Michigan. He has been certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene in the comprehensive practice of industrial hygiene since 1980. He is also certified by the State of California, Division of...

Toxicology Industrial Hygiene & Ergonomics Expert WitnessView profile


Toxicology Industrial Hygiene & Ergonomics Expert Witness

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New York

This expert received her doctorate from the University of Michigan and worked as an environmental toxicologist for Syracuse Research Corporation, where she did quantitative human health risk assessment for the EPA on a variety of substances including solvents, pesticides and metals. As a certified industrial hygienist, certified professional ergonomist and environmental scientist she continues to...

Occupational & Urgent Care Medicine & Graduate Level Medical Education Expert WitnessView profile


Occupational & Urgent Care Medicine & Graduate Level Medical Education Expert Witness

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This highly-qualified expert has over 25 years of experience in the medical field and over 12 years of experience as a physician assistant. She earned her BA in psychology at Boston College and her master of medical science in the physician assistant program at Emory University. She is a licensed physician assistant and is active in her field as a member of the American Academy of Physician...

Occupational Medicine Expert WitnessView profile


Occupational Medicine Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has extensive experience in occupational medicine and is board-certified in undersea and hyperbaric medicine. He earned his BA in biochemistry from Canisius College, his MS in immunology from Roswell Park Cancer Institute, his JD from Case Western Reserve School of Law, his MS in aerospace medicine from the NASA Grant Program, and his MD from the State University of...

Occupational Medicine Expert WitnessView profile


Occupational Medicine Expert Witness

This highly qualified expert in the field of occupational and environmental medicine earned his BA from the University of Western Ontario. He went on to complete his MD from the University of Toronto followed by an MPH at Tulane University. He completed his residency in occupational medicine from the University of Toronto and is board certified in occupational and environmental medicine....

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Occupational and Environmental Medicine Expert Witness FAQs

An Occupational and Environmental Medicine expert witness provides insight on cases involving workplace injuries, environmental exposure to toxins, occupational diseases, and safety regulations.

These experts are crucial in personal injury claims, workers' compensation cases, toxic tort litigation, and disputes involving workplace safety standards.

Subspecialties include Industrial Hygiene, Toxicology, Epidemiology, Occupational Psychiatry, and Occupational Dermatology among others.

They can provide evidence on the health effects of asbestos exposure, assess the adequacy of protective measures taken, and determine if exposure led to specific medical conditions.

These experts can identify if a substance is hazardous, evaluate exposure levels, link exposure to health issues, and testify on regulatory compliance.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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