Nursing Care Expert Witnesses in Georgia

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Expert witnesses in nursing care practice in a variety of fields, including geriatric care, pediatric nursing, surgical nursing, psychiatric nursing, and oncology nursing. Some of the most common specialties among these expert witnesses also include critical care nursing, home healthcare nursing, palliative care nursing, emergency room nursing, and obstetric and gynecological nursing. They have provided opinions on the effects of medication errors, patient safety issues, standards of care, patient falls, and wound care.

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Adult Geriatric Nursing & Medicine Expert WitnessView profile


Adult Geriatric Nursing & Medicine Expert Witness

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30 years of employment in a community hospital advancing to the executive level as the organizations Chief Nursing Officer. Lead the organization to successful state and JCAHO surveys, knowledge of patient care and medical staff standards. Authored organizational policies and procedures in accordance with best practices. Oversight of 500 FTEs to include nursing and allied support staff for...

Critical Care Nursing Expert WitnessView profile


Critical Care Nursing Expert Witness

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This expert has over 42 years of experience as a nurse. She received her B.A. in Communications and Journalism from Georgia State University and her A.S.N. in Nursing from Fairmont State University. Her past positions have included working at Emory University, Piedmont Hospital and Northlake Medical Center. Her experience includes caring for patients in a critical care setting, an open heart...

Nursing Operating Room Orthopedics Expert WitnessView profile


Nursing Operating Room Orthopedics Expert Witness

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This highly qualified nursing expert has extensive professional experience. She earned her BS in nursing from Lenoir-Rhyne College. In 2007, she was awarded "Travel Nurse of the Year." Previously, she has served as a staff nurse at Frye Regional Medical Center, and as a travel nurse at Holy Cross Hospital, Newman West, Redmond Regional Hospital, Emory University Hospital, North Fulton Regional...

Pediatric ICU Nursing Expert WitnessView profile


Pediatric ICU Nursing Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert is a registered nurse and holds several certifications relating to her work in pediatric nursing. She earned her BSN from Kennesaw State University and completed an internship in the GI unit at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. She is certified in CPR, pediatric advanced life support, pediatric fundamental critical care support, trauma nursing, pediatric nursing,...


Wound Care Nursing Expert WitnessView profile


Wound Care Nursing Expert Witness

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This highly-qualified expert has over 15 years of experience as a nurse, with 13 years of experience in wound care nursing. She received her BSN from Mercer University before earning her MSN and DNP from Chamberlain College of Nursing. She is certified in wound and ostomy care and is a licensed registered nurse. She has formerly served as a medical-surgical nurse at Piedmont Hospital, as adjunct...

Pediatric ICU Nursing Expert WitnessView profile


Pediatric ICU Nursing Expert Witness

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This nursing expert earned her BS in nursing at the University of North Georgia and is a licensed, registered nurse. In addition, she has certifications in pediatric advanced life support, critical care, and basic life support. She has formerly served as a registered nurse in special care and the PICU at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. She is currently a doctorate student of nursing anesthesia...

Long Term Care Nursing Expert WitnessView profile


Long Term Care Nursing Expert Witness

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This highly-qualified expert has nearly three decades of experience in the field of geriatric and long term skilled care nursing. She earned her BSN from American Sentinel University, her MSN from Maryville University, and her DNP from Walden University. She is board certified in gerontological nursing, certified in long term care administration nursing, and is a licensed registered nurse. She is...

Nursing Care Expert Witness FAQs

A nursing care expert witness provides insight and testimony based on their professional experience in nursing. They can clarify standards of care, procedures, and protocols in healthcare settings.

Nursing care expert witnesses are often needed in medical malpractice cases, personal injury suits, elder abuse cases, or any case involving healthcare delivery issues.

Yes, many nursing care experts specialize in areas such as geriatric care, pediatric nursing, oncology nursing, or critical care. Their expertise can be invaluable in specific case types.

A nursing care expert can provide insights into standard practices for administering medication, identify where errors occurred, and testify on the potential impacts of such errors.

An expert with current clinical experience will be up-to-date on best practices and standards of care. This lends credibility to their testimony and ensures accurate information.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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