Law Enforcement Expert Witnesses

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Law enforcement expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including criminal justice, police procedures, security management, forensic science, and criminology. Some of the most common law enforcement expert witness specialties also include use of force, police misconduct, crime scene investigation, law enforcement training, and corrections. They can opine on the effects of excessive force, wrongful arrest, police brutality, officer-involved shootings, and jail/prison conditions.

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Police Policy & Procedures Expert WitnessView profile


Police Policy & Procedures Expert Witness

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New Jersey

This highly qualified police policy and procedures expert has over 35 years of experience, and has extensive experience in undercover and surveillance operations, as well as narcotics identification and investigations. He earned his AS in criminal justice from the County College of Morris, and both his BS in justice studies and his MSM in criminal justice administration from the College of Saint...

Firearms Expert WitnessView profile


Firearms Expert Witness

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A 3rd generation Gunsmith. This expert has over 15 years of experience as an authority on firearm and related subject. He currently provides his expertise to a variety of clients in need of accurate assessment of firearm analysis, GSR, accidental discharge, and bullet trajectory. In addition, he teaches a course on firearms and deadly force law, and has extensive experience reviewing evidence and...

Public Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Public Safety Expert Witness

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This expert has been a member of law enforcement and public safety for over 20 years. A candidate for a Ph.D. in Public Safety Leadership, he is a board member with the International Public Safety Association and member of many other associations, such as DC Nightlife Association. He is a recognized court expert witness in hospitality security training, policies, procedures, and standards of...

Law Enforcement Expert WitnessView profile


Law Enforcement Expert Witness

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This expert has over 30 years of experience in law enforcement with 20 of those years in the Drug Enforcement Administration. At the DEA, he worked in various positions including Resident Agent in Charge and Inspector. He currently owns a consulting & investigative services firm and works as a Private Investigator specializing in Consulting and Private and Executive Securities.

Law Enforcement Technology Expert WitnessView profile


Law Enforcement Technology Expert Witness

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This expert has had a long career in the field of law enforcement and criminal justice, with an emphasis on policy and technology. He earned a BS in Electronics Engineering from the University of New Mexico, a MS in Engineering Administration from George Washington University, and completed PhD honors coursework in engineering-economic systems at Stanford University. He has been active in the...

Police Procedures & Public Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Police Procedures & Public Safety Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has over 50 years of experience in law enforcement. He received an A.S. in Law Enforcement from West Valley College, a B.S. in Law Enforcement from Metropolitan State College, and a M.S. in Criminal Justice Administration from the University of Colorado. Certified as a Police Executive and a Force Science Analyst by the Force Science Institute at the Minnesota State...

Event Data Recorder & Accident Reconstruction Expert WitnessView profile


Event Data Recorder & Accident Reconstruction Expert Witness

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This EDR expert is a principal at a vehicular accident reconstruction consultancy. He retired from law enforcement after a twenty-five year career, during which time he investigated over 2500 motor vehicle collisions. Fourteen of those years he served with the Bergen County (NJ) Prosecutor's Office Fatal Accident Investigation Unit. This expert earned a degree in mechanical engineering, summa cum...

Police Protocol & Excessive Force Expert WitnessView profile


Police Protocol & Excessive Force Expert Witness

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Instructor for a regional training institution for police officers, providing training in Field Training and Evaluation Program, PPCT Defensive Tactics Instructor, PPCT Spontaneous Knife Defense Instructor and cadre member for the First Line Supervisory Skills course. Adjunct Faculty for a regional law enforcement academy. Providing export training in Instructor Development, Use of Force...

Campus Safety & Law Enforcement Expert WitnessView profile


Campus Safety & Law Enforcement Expert Witness

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This expert has over 30 years of experience as a police officer, mainly at the University of Maryland Police Department. His expertise lies in campus and student safety in all aspects of campus public safety, as well as law enforcement in Higher education and small city populations. He has handled bicycles cases where they being operated in restricted and populated areas on campus that required...

Corrections & Sexual Molestation of Minors & Women Expert WitnessView profile


Corrections & Sexual Molestation of Minors & Women Expert Witness

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This expert has worked in the criminal justice field over 40 years, beginning her career in corrections and law enforcement. She is a criminologist, trainer, author, and consultant on crime issues to national and international organizations with expertise in gender and sexual violence. As a consultant with the National Institute of Corrections, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency...

Law Enforcement Procedures Expert WitnessView profile


Law Enforcement Procedures Expert Witness

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New York

This expert is recognized by CNN, FOX News, PIX 11 News, BBC, the United Nations Associated Press and a multitude of other media outlets as an expert in police tactics and procedures. He served 20 years in the NYPD, where he trained recruits in the Police Academy and investigated police corruption and misconduct as a Lieutenant in the Internal Affairs Bureau. He holds a doctoral degree from...

Law Enforcement & Policing Standards Expert WitnessView profile


Law Enforcement & Policing Standards Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has 25 years of law enforcement experience, ten of which included police management. Prior to retirement, this expert was Chief of Police of the Waterbury Police Department, where this this expert helped to develop crime prevention and community policing strategies and ended three consecutive years with a budget surplus. This expert has won several awards, including...

Law Enforcement Expert WitnessView profile


Law Enforcement Expert Witness

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This former Salt Lake City police officer was with the force for two periods spanning from 1984 until 2004. He spent time as a Patrol Officer, a Field Training Officer, and a Detective, working in Vice, Narcotics, and Financial/Computer crimes, among other departments. He was graduated from Utah POST (Peace Officer Standard and Training) the Utah Drug Academy and completed several courses...

Law Enforcement Detective Expert WitnessView profile


Law Enforcement Detective Expert Witness

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This law enforcement professional spent 21 years with several police forces in Utah. He began his career with the Midvale Police Department, where he worked from 1995 until 2001 and held positions including Patrol Officer, Officer in Charge, Auto Theft Detective, VICE Detective, and SWAT Operator. The expect then joined the South Salt Lake City police force, where he worked as a Narcotics...

Law Enforcement Expert WitnessView profile


Law Enforcement Expert Witness

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This veteran police over spent nearly three decades with the Los Angeles and Santa Rosa Police Departments. He was an Officer in Los Angeles until 1991 and then served in Santa Rosa until 2015, where he was a Lieutenant and Investigative Bureau Commander. The expert has obtained his B.S. in Criminal Justice from California Coast University and has delivered several presentations in the field. He...

Law Enforcement & Police procedures Expert WitnessView profile


Law Enforcement & Police procedures Expert Witness

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This expert is a Criminal Justice consultant and expert witness for private and government attorneys on criminal and civil matters. He is qualified as an expert witness in federal and state courts on police procedures, tactics, firearms, and the use of force. This expert can provide formal written declarations in federal and state criminal and civil proceedings as law enforcement subject matter...

Law Enforcement & Private Investigations Expert WitnessView profile


Law Enforcement & Private Investigations Expert Witness

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This highly qualified professional has over 40 years of law enforcement experience. He has been conducting law enforcement training since 1977 with an emphasis on Street Gangs and Organized Crime and was assigned as training deputy inside the Hall of Justice Jail, while employed with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Formerly, he held roles as Investigator/ Extradition Officer at...

Police Practices Expert WitnessView profile


Police Practices Expert Witness

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This expert is a retired police officer and owner of a police training and consulting firm. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Management, a Masters of Science in Psychology and is completing a doctoral degree in Performance Psychology. He is a Certified Criminal Investigator with the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute and a Force Science Certified Analyst with the...

Law Enforcement & Police Expert WitnessView profile


Law Enforcement & Police Expert Witness

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This expert served 32 years with the San Francisco Police Department in a variety of different capacities. He began his experience as a police officer for nine years in patrol, and then went on to serve as a Sergeant and Inspector in the Investigations Bureau for over four years investigating Violent Crimes, Auto Theft, Burglary and Domestic Violence. He went on to serve as a Commander in the...

Crowd Management & University Police Expert WitnessView profile


Crowd Management & University Police Expert Witness

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This expert has over 32 years experience in Law Enforcement, Fire/EMS and Public Safety. He has a great deal of experience in Emergency Planning and Emergency Exercises in both University and traditional environments. He works as a Certified Protection Professional (CPP) with ASIS International and through hands on experience with access control systems, alarms and CCTV, which as given him a back...

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The Average Law Enforcement Expert Witness
Charges $375 / Hour

Based on hourly rates. Compare expert witness rates across thousands of specialties in all 50 states.

  • Review Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Deposition Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Court Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

Law Enforcement Expert Witness FAQs

A law enforcement expert witness is a professional with extensive experience in policing practices who can provide testimony or informed opinions in legal cases involving law enforcement issues.

Law enforcement expert witnesses often handle cases involving police misconduct, use of force, criminal investigations, police training and procedures, and other related topics.

They can analyze evidence, review police reports, testify on standard police procedures, and offer an informed opinion on whether the actions taken were appropriate or not.

Yes, some experts may specialize in areas such as forensic science, crime scene investigation, traffic enforcement, SWAT operations, or internal affairs investigations.

An expert with specific experience can provide detailed insights into the nuances of your case type, ensuring accurate and credible testimony that aligns with established law enforcement standards.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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