Land Surveying Expert Witnesses

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Land surveying expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including real estate development, construction, civil engineering, geology, and environmental science. Some of the most common land surveying expert witness specialties also include boundary disputes, topographic surveys, site planning, land use planning, and floodplain management. They can opine on the effects of property line discrepancies, zoning regulations, land use conflicts, environmental impact assessments, and construction project planning.

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Land Surveying Expert WitnessView profile


Land Surveying Expert Witness

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This expert has over 25 years of experience in land surveying. He received a B.S. in Environmental Management from the University of Maryland. Most of his positions have consisted of leading survey field crews for various projects. His expertise includes boundary work, ALTA/ACSM surveys, topographic surveys, and platting. He currently serves as a Land Surveyor and Team Leader for a consulting...

Civil Engineering, Land Surveying & Storm water Compliance Expert WitnessView profile


Civil Engineering, Land Surveying & Storm water Compliance Expert Witness

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This expert is licensed as a Civil Engineer and a Land Surveyor in both California and Arizona, and he has worked throughout Southern California. Having earned his degrees in engineering and business from California State University at Northridge, he previously served as the Director of Engineering and Surveying at multiple engineering firms, including the Haaland Group and Crosby Mead Benton. A...

Geomatics & Land Surveying Expert WitnessView profile


Geomatics & Land Surveying Expert Witness

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This expert on land surveying obtained his BS in land surveying engineering from New Mexico State University, his MS in geospatial surveying engineering computer science from Texas A&M Corpus Christi, his JD from Florida International University, and his PhD in geomatics from the University of Florida. He has experience land surveying, geomatics, title, boundary, easement, riparian, littoral,...


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Land Surveying Expert Witness FAQs

A land surveying expert witness provides specialized knowledge on property boundaries, land use, and zoning issues. They can offer testimony, interpret data, and provide professional opinions.

Land surveying experts are often needed in real estate disputes, boundary disputes, construction litigation, environmental law cases, and eminent domain proceedings.

Yes, these experts can clarify issues related to easements or rights-of-way by interpreting maps, deeds, and other documents that define property rights.

Yes, some land surveyors specialize in areas like geodesy (the science of measuring Earth's shape), photogrammetry (measuring distances from photographs), or hydrographic surveying (surveying bodies of water).

In construction disputes, they can provide insights into site planning, grading plans, topographic surveys, and compliance with local regulations.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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