Information Technology Expert Witnesses

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Information technology expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including cybersecurity, software development, data analysis, network administration, and digital forensics. Some of the most common specialties also include cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, IT governance, and information systems management. They can opine on the effects of data breaches, software patent infringement, system failures, cyber attacks, and IT project mismanagement.

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Financial Services & Accounting Expert WitnessView profile


Financial Services & Accounting Expert Witness

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This expert has over 25 years of experience in the securities industry as an accounting and compliance specialist. Industry experience with broker-dealers, registered investment advisers, hedge funds,regulation, compliance, accounting, and information technology. He has been FINRA registered since 1984 and is also a licensed Financial and Operations Principal. He currently serves as Principal for...

Human Resources Expert WitnessView profile


Human Resources Expert Witness

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This expert is an internationally recognized human resources expert and is a trained Ohio Drug Free Workplace trainer. She earned a JD from Taft Law School and a MBA from York College of Pennsylvania. She is well published on human resources issues, specifically relating to employment practices. She has served as the HR Vice President or Director for a number of large, for-profit and non-profit...

Telecommunications Expert WitnessView profile


Telecommunications Expert Witness

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This expert has more than 25 years of experience the telecommunications field, performing technology-intensive analysis and project management. He earned his BA in English from Yale University, and his MS in Computer Science from the Stevens Institute of Technology. He has performed strategic analysis for FEMA's telecom network and contact center 5 year plans. He has functioned as an expert...

Technology & Telecommunications Expert WitnessView profile


Technology & Telecommunications Expert Witness

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This expert is a well-versed IT and telecommunications expert, receiving a Ph.D. in Computer Networking. He has published a dozen papers in professional journals and conferences, and holds two patents related to distributed base station controllers. He previously served as the VP of Business Development of Huawei R&D and the Managing Director of R&D at Vodafone Group. This expert is currently a...

Computers & Information Technology Expert WitnessView profile


Computers & Information Technology Expert Witness

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New York

This expert is an internationally recognized software professional with over 38 years of experience in the computer industry. He is knowledgeable of the design and implementation of both the software and hardware, ranging from embedded microcomputers to mainframe computers. Further, he has consulted as a software architect for companies in various industries, working on projects that cover a wide...

Health Information Technology Expert WitnessView profile


Health Information Technology Expert Witness

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This expert is the principal and CEO of a management consulting group that assists healthcare organizations and communities with leveraging health information to improve operational efficiencies and clinical health outcomes. Currently she oversees the selection, implementation and use of electronic health records supporting more than 2000 providers in California. She and her team assist providers...

Software Engineering Information Technology Tourism Expert WitnessView profile


Software Engineering Information Technology Tourism Expert Witness

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New York

This highly qualified expert has over 30 years of professional experience in software engineering and information technology. He received his BS in electrical engineering from Princeton University and is certified in international relations and public policy by the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. Formerly, this expert has served as an analyst at Booz Allen & Hamilton, the vice...

Information Technology Expert WitnessView profile


Information Technology Expert Witness

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New York

This qualified expert has nearly 25 years of experience in information technology. He received his BA in urban studies from the University of Pennsylvania. He then earned his MBA, specializing in decision sciences and finance, from the Wharton School of Business. He began his career as a project manager for the global consumer finance branch of GE Capital. While working in this branch, he was...

Patient Infringement & Healthcare Software Expert WitnessView profile


Patient Infringement & Healthcare Software Expert Witness

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South Carolina

This highly qualified expert has over 35 years of experience in healthcare and over 45 years of experience in information technology. He received his BBA in quantitative methods and his MBA in economics and finance from the University of Missouri. He then earned his PhD in healthcare administration at Anderson University. His former positions include executive vice president and general manager...

Telecommunications, IT & Advertising Technology Expert WitnessView profile


Telecommunications, IT & Advertising Technology Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has extensive experience in the areas of telecommunications, advertising technology, IT, and computer software. He earned his BS in mathematics and systems science from UCLA and completed graduate work in electrical engineering and statistics at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He currently holds 10 patents involving human-computer design. He is active in...

Patents & Software-Related Intellectual Property Expert WitnessView profile


Patents & Software-Related Intellectual Property Expert Witness

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This qualified expert has extensive experience with patents and software-related intellectual property as an IT litigation consultant and attorney. He received his BS in biology and chemistry from Stony Brook University and his MS in chemistry from SUNY Stony Brook before earning his JD from Georgetown University. He also earned his MML in international business and economic law from Georgetown...

Financial Services Technology & Cybersecurity Expert WitnessView profile


Financial Services Technology & Cybersecurity Expert Witness

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New York

This highly qualified financial services technology expert has over 35 years of professional experience. His expertise includes systems development, integration, infrastructure, information security and operations in the trading, investment, banking, and asset management businesses. He earned his BS in computer science from the City University of New York and is a graduate of the ABA Stonier...

Information Technology Expert WitnessView profile


Information Technology Expert Witness

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This Georgia-based expert received his BS in management and economics from Western Carolina University. Over his lengthy career in information technology and project management, he has mastered over 12 programming languages, 6 operating systems, several web design, and development tools, and has been awarded with 10 patents in his field. Previously, he served as a senior manager for various...

IT & Offshore Outsourcing Expert WitnessView profile


IT & Offshore Outsourcing Expert Witness

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This expert is highly experienced in the area of IT and offshore outsourcing, with expertise in all aspects of outsourcing such as strategy, provider capabilities, provider selection, outsourcing contracts, BPO, and cybersecurity. He earned his BA in liberal arts from Northwestern State University of Louisiana and began his career with Electronic Data Systems, serving as a sales executive,...

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The Average Information Technology Expert Witness
Charges $392 / Hour

Based on hourly rates. Compare expert witness rates across thousands of specialties in all 50 states.

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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Deposition Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Court Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

Information Technology Expert Witness FAQs

An IT expert witness provides specialized knowledge in information technology, including software, hardware, networks, and data. They can testify on matters like data breaches, intellectual property disputes, or software failure.

IT expert witnesses often handle cases involving data breaches, cybercrime, software patent infringement, system failures, and disputes over IT contracts or projects.

Yes, IT expert witnesses may specialize in areas such as cybersecurity, software development, network architecture, digital forensics, cloud computing, or data analysis.

An IT expert can analyze the breach to determine how it occurred, identify any security flaws exploited by hackers, assess the impact of the breach and suggest remedial measures.

An IT expert can provide technical analysis of the software in question, help interpret complex patent language and offer opinions on alleged infringement or validity of the patent.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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