Industrial Hygiene Expert Witnesses in Wisconsin

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Industrial hygiene expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including occupational health and safety, environmental science, toxicology, public health, and industrial engineering. Some of the most common specialties among industrial hygiene expert witnesses include exposure assessment, hazard communication, respiratory protection, indoor air quality, and asbestos. They have provided opinions on the effects of workplace hazards, chemical exposures, noise pollution, mold infestations, and personal protective equipment usage.

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Industrial Hygiene & Toxicology Expert WitnessView profile


Industrial Hygiene & Toxicology Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has over 15 years of experience human and forensic toxicology, occupational disease, occupational and environmental health and safety, industrial hygiene and asbestos. He completed his BS in Medical Laboratory Technology at Marquette University and his MS in Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Medical College of Wisconsin. In addition, he is active in his field as a...

Environmental Health & Industrial Hygiene Expert WitnessView profile


Environmental Health & Industrial Hygiene Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has more than 30 years of experience in the field of industrial hygiene. He earned his BA in chemistry from Macalester College before earning an MS in food science, an MPH in environmental health, and a PhD in environmental health all at the University of Minnesota. He is a certified industrial hygienist in comprehensive practice and chemical aspects. He formerly...

The Average Industrial Hygiene Expert Witness
Charges $359 / Hour

Based on hourly rates. Compare expert witness rates across thousands of specialties in all 50 states.

  • Review Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Deposition Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Court Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

Industrial Hygiene Expert Witness FAQs

An industrial hygiene expert witness provides specialized knowledge in cases involving workplace safety, exposure to hazardous substances, and compliance with health regulations.

These experts are crucial in cases involving occupational diseases, chemical exposures, asbestos litigation, indoor air quality issues, and safety violations.

Yes. Industrial hygiene experts often specialize in certain sectors like manufacturing, construction, or healthcare, providing tailored insights for these unique environments.

They can assess the extent of mold exposure, determine if proper safety protocols were followed, and evaluate the impact on the plaintiff's health.

Look for certification from organizations like the American Board of Industrial Hygiene, extensive field experience, and a strong background in relevant scientific disciplines.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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