Human Resources Expert Witnesses in Washington

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Human resources expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including employment law, workplace safety, employee benefits, labor relations, and organizational development. Some of the most common specialties for these expert witnesses also include sexual harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination, wage and hour disputes, and employee training. They have provided opinions on the effects of workplace policies, hiring practices, employee compensation, performance management systems, and labor law compliance.

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Workplace Conflict & Investigations Expert WitnessView profile


Workplace Conflict & Investigations Expert Witness

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This expert has frequently advised school district and other public clients concerning appropriate responses to allegations of teacher and other employee misconduct, as well as advising them after an investigation is complete concerning what actions they might wish to take depending on the findings in the investigation. She often interacts with attorneys on cases, and has extensive human...

Human Resources Expert Witness FAQs

A Human Resources expert witness provides insight and testimony in legal cases involving employment disputes, discrimination claims, wrongful termination, wage issues, and more.

They are beneficial in cases involving workplace harassment, employee benefits disputes, labor law violations, hiring practices, and other HR-related issues.

Subspecialties include recruitment and selection, compensation and benefits, training and development, labor relations, and organizational behavior.

They can provide an objective analysis of company policies and procedures to determine if discriminatory practices were used in decision-making processes.

An expert with labor law knowledge can provide valuable insights into whether an employer has violated any federal or state regulations.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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