Human Factors Expert Witnesses

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Human factors expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including ergonomics, cognitive psychology, industrial design, and human-computer interaction. Some of the most common specialties among these experts also include system performance, user experience, safety engineering, and product design. They have provided opinions on the effects of workplace safety, product liability, accident reconstruction, user interface design, and human error.

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Human Factors Ergonomics & Engineering Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors Ergonomics & Engineering Expert Witness

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This is a highly qualified expert who is capable of reviewing the case at hand. He is highly published and has considerable professional and academic experience in the field of ergonomics and engineering, making him capable of commenting on the potential for negligence on the part of the defendant in this case. The areas in which he has consulted with attorneys may be broadly characterized as...

Human Factors & Ergonomics Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors & Ergonomics Expert Witness

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This highly qualified Ergonomic expert managed her own consulting firm for over 18 years. Her success led her company to be acquired in 2014 by an international Human Factors company. During her time as a private consultant, she has had the opportunity to interact with a broad scope of work environments, work systems, and OHS management styles. This has helped her to creatively problem solve when...

Human Factors Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors Expert Witness

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This expert consults on all aspects of human factors, applied human performance, ergonomics, and safety. Areas of particular expertise include: human-machine interface design and evaluation, human capabilities and limitations in applied environments, instructions and warning, perception/vision/visibility, the evaluation of equipment and structures from a human use standpoint, and safety-related...

Human Factors Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors Expert Witness

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This expert is a nationally recognized speaker, author, and professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems at a top university in Florida, where she leads the Human Factors Research Team. She has published more than 80 technical papers, book chapters, and conference proceedings in the human factors space. He research focus includes ergonomics and human factors. and...

Human Factors & Ergonomics Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors & Ergonomics Expert Witness

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This Certified Professional Ergonomist has been teaching and consulting on human factors/ergonomics, safety and systems for 40 years. He is a member of numerous prestigious professional organizations. As a Research Assistant at Texas Tech University's human factors lab, he served as a consultant to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration as well as the Arizona Center for Occupational...

Wood Floor & Slip & Fall Expert WitnessView profile


Wood Floor & Slip & Fall Expert Witness

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New York

This expert has extensive experience with hardwood flooring, including credentials from NOFMA & NWFA. He serves on two NWFA Committees, He also have credentials in carpet inspection, training in woven carpet and rugs, carpet cleaning, repair and re-installation, and water damage restoration. This expert has also assisted Attorneys through all phases of legal action regarding slip, trip and...

Human Factors Psychologist & Consumer product Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors Psychologist & Consumer product Safety Expert Witness

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This human factors psychologist has nearly 30 years of experience as a safety analysis professional. She began her career as a Human Factors Psychologist with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and she currently owns and operates a firm that examines the design, instructions and warnings of consumer products. She conducts training for manufacturers on issues such as anticipating...

Human Factors & Ergonomics Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors & Ergonomics Expert Witness

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This qualified expert obtained her BS in Psychology and her MS in Applied Psychology/Human Factors Engineering from Clemson University and her MBA from Northeastern. She is Board Certified in Professional Ergonomics and is a member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. She is currently a CEO at a Private Consulting Firm and a Director on the Board for Certification in Professional...

Human Factors / Warning Labels Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors / Warning Labels Expert Witness

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This expert has over 40 years experience in communication messages and interpretation. He currently conducts research concerned with the interpersonal tactics and message strategies that individuals use in the context of problematic social interactions. He also specializes in communicative intention and the adequacy/inadequacy of messages. This includes the question of how people are most likely...

Human Factors & Warning Labels Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors & Warning Labels Expert Witness

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This human factors and ergonomics expert has 20+ years of experience analyzing human performance and behavior. He specializes in warnings and risk perception, product safety, vehicle collisions, pedestrian falls, and related areas. The expert earned his Master's and his Ph.D. in Psychology and Ergonomics from North Carolina State University. He is Board Certified in Professional Ergonomics and is...

Human Factors Ergonomics Safety Consulting Organizational Consulting Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors Ergonomics Safety Consulting Organizational Consulting Expert Witness

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This expert has been working in industrial-organizational consulting for over 20 years. She has conducted and published original research in the areas of human factors and safety. She completed her BS at the University of Florida, and completed her MS and PhD at the California School of Professional Psychology. She is certified as a Professional Ergonomist, and has previously worked as a...

Biomechanics & Human Factors Expert WitnessView profile


Biomechanics & Human Factors Expert Witness

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This expert has extensive experience in the field of biomechanics and human factors. He earned his BS and MS from the Colorado School of Mines and his PhD in biomedical engineering from Oregon Health & Science University. He is certified in prosthetics and a member of the International Society for Posture and Gait Research. He previously served as a design engineer for JR Engineering, LLC, as a...

UX/UI, Digital Product Design & Systems Engineering Expert WitnessView profile


UX/UI, Digital Product Design & Systems Engineering Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has twenty years of experience in digital product design and development with a focus on user experience and human computer interaction. She received her BA in mathematics and economics from Occidental College and then both her MS in operations research engineering and PhD in industrial and systems engineering from the University of Southern California. She currently...

Human Factors & Road Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors & Road Safety Expert Witness

This expert has 20 years of experience in human factors and engineering, as well as nearly a decade of experience in road safety. He has worked as a senior researcher for several civil engineering firms and is a certified Road Safety Professional. Before beginning his career, he earned his BA in statistics & psychology from the University of Chicago, his MS in human factors from the University of...

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Human Factors Expert Witness FAQs

A human factors expert witness is a professional who applies knowledge about human behavior, abilities, limitations, and other characteristics to the design and evaluation of products, systems, jobs, and environments.

Human factors experts are often called upon in personal injury cases, product liability suits, workplace safety investigations, patent disputes, and any case where user interaction with a system or product is at issue.

They can analyze how the design of a product may have contributed to an accident or injury. This includes evaluating warnings, instructions, and the overall usability of the product.

Yes, some experts may specialize in areas such as ergonomics, cognitive psychology, user experience (UX) design, industrial engineering, or safety science.

Absolutely. They can evaluate aspects like driver behavior, vehicle design, road conditions and signage to determine if these elements played a role in the accident.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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