Highway Design and Construction Expert Witnesses

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Highway Design and Construction expert witnesses specialize in a variety of fields, including civil engineering, traffic engineering, road safety, infrastructure planning, and construction management. Some of the most common specialties among Highway Design and Construction expert witnesses include pavement design, bridge construction, highway maintenance, traffic flow analysis, and accident reconstruction. They have provided opinions on the effects of improper road design, faulty construction methods, inadequate maintenance procedures, traffic congestion issues, and accident causation related to highway design or construction.

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Civil Engineering Expert WitnessView profile


Civil Engineering Expert Witness

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This qualified civil engineer has performed extensive design work for projects commissioned by the Department of Transportation, especially pertaining to the design and testing of highway guard rails. He has remained in practice as an engineer for more than a decade, and is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Motorcycle Escort & Training Expert WitnessView profile


Motorcycle Escort & Training Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert formerly served as the supervisor of the California Highway Patrol Academy's Motorcycle Training Unit. He was an active member of the California Highway Patrol for nearly 29 years and is recognized as an expert in motorcycle training and operations. He routinely consults with and provides advice to people and organizations concerned with motorcycle safety and...

Snow Removal & Highway Maintenance Expert WitnessView profile


Snow Removal & Highway Maintenance Expert Witness

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This expert attended Yakima Valley College and has numerous other college credits in various areas of study associated with transportation and highway maintenance. He has experience and extensive knowledge in Deicer Products, Specifications, Testing and Use, and The Design and Build of Liquid Deicer Manufacturing Systems. He also has experience and knowledge in equipment operations and the...

Airport & Highway Pavement Design Expert WitnessView profile


Airport & Highway Pavement Design Expert Witness

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This expert has 50 years of experience in the field of transportation engineering, focused on pavement design and construction for airports, seaports, and highways. He earned his BS in civil engineering from the City College of New York and licensed as a professional engineer in multiple states. As a consultant he has performed project management, pavement evaluation and design, and forensic...

Human Factors & Road Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Human Factors & Road Safety Expert Witness

This expert has 20 years of experience in human factors and engineering, as well as nearly a decade of experience in road safety. He has worked as a senior researcher for several civil engineering firms and is a certified Road Safety Professional. Before beginning his career, he earned his BA in statistics & psychology from the University of Chicago, his MS in human factors from the University of...

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Highway Design and Construction Expert Witness FAQs

A Highway Design and Construction expert witness provides insight on standards, practices, and safety measures in highway design and construction during legal proceedings.

These experts are crucial in cases involving traffic accidents, construction defects, roadway safety issues, or disputes over highway design and construction projects.

Yes, some experts may specialize in areas like traffic engineering, pavement design, bridge construction, road safety audits, or transportation planning.

They can analyze the design and condition of the road to determine if it contributed to the accident. This includes evaluating signage, lighting, and other safety features.

Absolutely. These experts are well-versed in industry standards and regulations. They can assess whether a project adhered to these guidelines or if any violations occurred.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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