Forensic Economics Expert Witnesses in Connecticut

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Forensic economics expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including personal injury cases, wrongful death suits, employment discrimination claims, business valuation disputes, and commercial damages litigation. Some of the most common forensic economics expert witness specialties also include wage loss analysis, life care plan valuation, economic damage calculations, lost profit assessment, and earning capacity evaluation. They can opine on the effects of economic losses due to personal injuries, the financial impact of wrongful termination, the value of lost business opportunities, the cost of medical care over a lifetime for injured individuals, and the economic implications of discriminatory practices.

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Economics Forensic Economics Expert WitnessView profile


Economics Forensic Economics Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert earned his BA in Pre-Law, MA in Economics, and his PhD in Economics from Penn State University. In addition, he is active in his field as a member of numerous societies including Eastern Economic Association, New York State Economic Association, Northeast Business and Economics Association. Formerly, he held roles as a Research Analyst at Battelle Pacific NW Nat Lab,...

Forensic Economics Expert Witness FAQs

A forensic economics expert witness is a professional who applies economic theories and methods to legal issues, often providing testimony in court cases involving economic damages.

Forensic economics experts are often used in personal injury, wrongful death, employment discrimination, and business loss cases where economic damages need to be calculated.

They use various methodologies including present value calculations, statistical analysis, and labor market surveys to estimate the financial impact of an event or action.

Yes, some forensic economists specialize in specific areas such as labor economics, health economics, or industrial organization which may be relevant depending on the case specifics.

Absolutely. They can provide valuable insights into the calculation of reasonable royalties and lost profits due to patent infringement.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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