Foot and Ankle Expert Witnesses in North Carolina

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Foot and ankle expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including orthopedic surgery, podiatry, sports medicine, physical therapy, and occupational medicine. Some of the most common foot and ankle expert witness specialties also include trauma surgery, pediatric orthopedics, rheumatology, and biomechanics. They can opine on the effects of surgical errors, slip-and-fall injuries, sports-related injuries, workplace accidents, and improper footwear.

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Orthopedic Surgery Foot & Ankle Surgery Expert WitnessView profile


Orthopedic Surgery Foot & Ankle Surgery Expert Witness

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North Carolina

This highly qualified expert is board certified in orthopedic surgery and has been practicing for 7+ years. He completed his internship and residency trainings in orthopedic surgery at the University of Pennsylvania, where he also concluded a fellowship focusing on foot and ankle surgery. He is the founder and president of the Research Triangle Park Orthopedic Society and a fellow at the American...

Foot and Ankle Expert Witness FAQs

A foot and ankle expert witness provides specialized knowledge in cases involving injuries, surgeries, or conditions related to the foot and ankle. They can clarify medical facts, explain treatment protocols, and assess standard of care issues.

Cases that may require a foot and ankle expert include personal injury claims, medical malpractice suits, workers' compensation disputes, or any case where foot and ankle health is a factor.

Yes, there are several subspecialties including podiatry, orthopedic surgery with a focus on the foot and ankle, sports medicine, diabetic foot care, and pediatric foot care.

An expert can review medical records, evaluate whether the surgeon met the standard of care, provide insight into potential causes of complications, and testify on these matters in court.

Such an expert can offer insights into sport-specific risks, injury prevention strategies, appropriate treatments for athletes' injuries, rehabilitation protocols, and return-to-play criteria.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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