Fiduciary Duty Expert Witnesses in Texas

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Fiduciary duty expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including corporate law, financial services, estate planning, trust administration, and real estate. Some of the most common fiduciary duty expert witness specialties also include breach of fiduciary duty, trustee duties, investment management, retirement plan governance, and professional ethics. They can opine on the effects of conflicts of interest, mismanagement of funds, breach of trust, improper investment strategies, and violations of fiduciary duty.

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Mergers & Acquisitions & Corporate Governance Expert WitnessView profile


Mergers & Acquisitions & Corporate Governance Expert Witness

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This expert has extensive experience in mergers, acquisitions, and corporate governance. He earned his BSBA in business from the University of Tulsa, his MBA with a concentration is finance from Northwestern University and his PhD in business administration from the Oklahoma State University. He has served as a strategic advisor at numerous locations including Goldman Sachs & Co, Citigroup, and...

Fiduciary Duty Expert Witness FAQs

A fiduciary duty expert witness is a professional who provides testimony in legal cases involving breaches of fiduciary duties. They have extensive knowledge in trust management, investment strategies, and financial regulations.

These experts are often called upon in cases involving allegations of breach of fiduciary duty, such as mismanagement of funds, conflicts of interest, or negligence in financial decision-making.

Subspecialties can include trust and estate management, corporate governance, investment advising, retirement plan administration, and more.

The expert can analyze financial records, assess the appropriateness of investment decisions, and provide an opinion on whether the actions taken were in line with fiduciary responsibilities.

Each type of fiduciary relationship has unique standards and regulations. An expert with specific experience can provide relevant insights and credible testimony tailored to your case.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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