Facilities Management Expert Witnesses in Florida

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Expert witnesses in Facilities Management practice in a variety of fields, including commercial real estate, residential property management, healthcare facilities, educational institutions, and industrial properties. Some of the most common specialties within Facilities Management also include building maintenance, compliance with safety regulations, environmental health and safety, emergency preparedness, and space planning. They have provided opinions on the effects of building code violations, inadequate maintenance procedures, facility-related accidents and injuries, environmental hazards within facilities, and disputes related to property management.

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Ice Rink & Facility Operations Expert WitnessView profile


Ice Rink & Facility Operations Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert is a Certified Rink Administrator and has 12 years of experience taking caring of operations and overseeing the safety and maintenance of ice rinks. Previously, he was the Operations Manager at RDV Sportsplex Ice Den and currently he is the Co-Owner and Vice President of Operations at a popular ice rink in Florida.

Facilities Management Expert Witness FAQs

A facilities management expert witness is a professional with extensive knowledge and experience in the field of facilities management. They provide testimony or consultation in legal cases involving facility operations, maintenance, safety, and more.

These experts can handle cases related to building maintenance, safety regulations, property management, construction defects, environmental health & safety, and other issues related to facility operations.

They can review case facts, analyze facility procedures and standards, identify negligence or non-compliance with regulations, and provide credible testimony to support your case.

Yes, some experts may specialize in areas like commercial property management, environmental health & safety, construction project management, or energy efficiency within facilities management.

Healthcare facilities have unique regulations and standards. An expert with specific experience in this area can provide critical insights into whether these standards were upheld, impacting the outcome of a medical malpractice case.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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