Engineering Expert Witnesses in Virginia

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Engineering expert witnesses specialize in a variety of fields, including civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, structural engineering, and environmental engineering. Some of the most common specialties among these experts also include forensic engineering, geotechnical engineering, traffic engineering, fire protection engineering, and software engineering. They have provided opinions on the effects of construction defects, product liability, patent infringement, building collapses, and industrial accidents.

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Law Enforcement Technology Expert WitnessView profile


Law Enforcement Technology Expert Witness

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This expert has had a long career in the field of law enforcement and criminal justice, with an emphasis on policy and technology. He earned a BS in Electronics Engineering from the University of New Mexico, a MS in Engineering Administration from George Washington University, and completed PhD honors coursework in engineering-economic systems at Stanford University. He has been active in the...

Hospitality Expert WitnessView profile


Hospitality Expert Witness

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This hospitality expert has extensive experience in facilities management, corporate compliance, and social responsibility. He has held numerous positions at top international hotel chains including Marriott International and The Ritz-Carlton. His positions have included leading overall maintenance of hotels and training individuals in proper maintenance and safety procedures. He has extensive...

Engineering & Collection Devices Expert WitnessView profile


Engineering & Collection Devices Expert Witness

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This decorated expert has a quarter century of electrical engineering experience, earning graduate qualifications at MIT, where his work had important biomedical applications. He is a member of several professional societies such as the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers and Virginia Academy of Science. Active in research, he has won numerous grants and has been published widely....

Water Utility Engineering & Operations & Management Expert WitnessView profile


Water Utility Engineering & Operations & Management Expert Witness

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This expert has 40+ years of experience in drinking water supply, treatment and distribution systems. From 1994 to 2013, he served as the director of one of the largest drinking water utilities in Virginia, supplying water to 400,000 residents. A civil and environmental engineer by training, he has maintained a particular focus on water treatment facilities, water supply systems, water...

Mechanical Engineering Expert WitnessView profile


Mechanical Engineering Expert Witness

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This highly qualified mechanical engineer earned his BS in Mechanical Engineering from City College of New York, his MS in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and his PhD from the University of Connecticut. He has been formally trained in a number of engineering disciplines, including accident investigation and labels/warnings/failure to warn instructions. He belongs to...

The Average Engineering Expert Witness
Charges $367 / Hour

Based on hourly rates. Compare expert witness rates across thousands of specialties in all 50 states.

  • Review Fee


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    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Deposition Fee


    Fee info

    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

  • Court Fee


    Fee info

    This represents an expert’s hourly rate for participating in depositions. Experts may charge more for depositions that require them to travel, and some experts choose to bill a flat, daily or half-daily rate for deposition appearances.

Engineering Expert Witness FAQs

An engineering expert witness provides technical knowledge and expertise to help clarify complex engineering issues in a court case. They can analyze evidence, provide testimony, and explain technical concepts.

Engineering expert witnesses are often needed in cases involving product liability, construction defects, patent infringement, industrial accidents, and property damage.

Yes, there are many subspecialties including civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, structural, and forensic engineering. The type of case will determine the required specialty.

In patent infringement cases, an engineering expert can analyze the disputed technology or process, compare it with the patent claims, and provide clear explanations to the court.

An engineering expert can identify design flaws or deviations from building codes in construction defect cases. They can also estimate repair costs and testify on these matters.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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