Damages Expert Witnesses in Illinois

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Damages expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including personal injury law, business litigation, employment disputes, intellectual property cases, and medical malpractice. Some of the most common specialties among damages expert witnesses include economic damages, lost profits, wrongful death damages, property damage valuation, and punitive damages. They can opine on the effects of negligence, breach of contract, workplace accidents, patent infringement, and medical errors.

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Economic Damages & Forensic Accounting Expert WitnessView profile


Economic Damages & Forensic Accounting Expert Witness

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This expert focuses on accounting, forensic accounting, financial analysis, financial forensics, economic damages, business valuation and investigations. He has experience in lost profits/earnings, business interruption claims, analysis of financial transactions and balances, Court-ordered accounting, bankruptcy, fraud examinations, investigations and the reconstruction of incomplete, misstated...

Valuation & Economic Damages Expert WitnessView profile


Valuation & Economic Damages Expert Witness

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This highly qualified expert has provided valuation and corporate finance consulting services since 1987. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and he is a member of several prestigious associations including the Healthcare Financial Management Association and the American Society of Appraisers. He previously worked as the Senior Managing Director of American Appraisal Associates Inc where...

Forensic Economics Expert WitnessView profile


Forensic Economics Expert Witness

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This expert has over 25 years of experience in forensic accounting, focusing on the measurement of economic damages and litigation support. He received a BS in Business Administration and Accounting at Roosevelt University and is an active, certified Public Accountant, Global Management Accountant, Financial Forensic Specialist, and Fraud Examiner. This expert has experience across numerous...

Damages Expert Witness FAQs

A damages expert witness is a professional who provides specialized knowledge and insight on the financial impact of a legal dispute, including lost profits, business valuation, or personal injury costs.

Damages experts can assist with a wide range of cases such as personal injury, wrongful death, employment disputes, business litigation, intellectual property disputes, and more.

A damages expert can provide detailed analysis and credible testimony on the financial implications of your case, helping to establish the monetary value of losses or gains.

Yes, some damages experts specialize in specific areas like economic damages, forensic accounting, business valuation, or healthcare economics.

An experienced damages expert will have deep understanding of the nuances related to your case type. This expertise can significantly enhance the credibility and impact of their testimony.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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