COVID-19 Expert Witnesses in Texas

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COVID-19 expert witnesses practice in a variety of fields, including public health, epidemiology, infectious diseases, virology, and healthcare policy. Some of the most common COVID-19 expert witness specialties also include hospital administration, occupational health and safety, vaccine development, and pandemic response planning. They can opine on the effects of government responses to the pandemic, infection control measures, vaccine distribution and efficacy, impacts on specific industries such as healthcare and hospitality, and long-term health implications of the virus.

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Cardiology Expert WitnessView profile


Cardiology Expert Witness

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This board-certified and fellowship-trained expert has over 20 years of experience as a cardiologist. He received his M.D. from Hadassah Medical School and finished fellowships at the University of Southern California and the University of California in Los Angeles. He is board certified in Internal Medicine with a subspecialty in Cardiovascular Diseases. Elected as a Fellow of the American Heart...

Insurance Bad Faith Expert WitnessView profile


Insurance Bad Faith Expert Witness

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This expert has over 40 years of claims experience, both as an adjuster and then as an in-house attorney advising adjusters on the proper standard of care in claims handling. He has represented numerous bad faith plaintiffs, and he also established the errors & omissions adjusting practices and auditing procedures for a major insurance company. The expert spent over 6 years as AIG's Western Zone...

Business Valuation & Economic Damages Expert WitnessView profile


Business Valuation & Economic Damages Expert Witness

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This expert on Economic Damages has over 35+ years of experience in calculating damages and performing business valuations. He obtained his BA in Economics, his MBA in Accounting and Finance, and his JD from Tulane University. He is a certified CPA, Senior Appraiser, and Business Appraiser and certified in Financial Forensics and Business Valuation. He is a member of the American Institute of...

Insurance Expert WitnessView profile


Insurance Expert Witness

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This expert has over 45 years of experience in risk management and insurance. He is a licensed risk manager by the Texas Department of Insurance and is active in his field as a member of several professional organizations including the American Association of Insurance Management Consultants and the Professional Risk Managers International Association. He previously served as an insurance officer...


Aviation Safety Expert WitnessView profile


Aviation Safety Expert Witness

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This expert has over 50 years of aviation experience. He earned his BS in aeronautical studies/flight technology from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and his MPA from Troy State University. He is a certified flight instructor, airline transport pilot, and remote pilot. He is a member of the National Air Transportation Association, the Airline Pilots Association, and the International Society...

COVID-19 Expert Witness FAQs

A COVID-19 expert witness provides specialized knowledge in court cases related to the pandemic, including public health measures, virus transmission, and treatment protocols.

Cases involving workplace safety, healthcare malpractice, wrongful death claims, or disputes over insurance coverage may require a COVID-19 expert witness.

They can provide insight into vaccine distribution protocols, prioritization strategies, and potential negligence or misconduct in the process.

Yes. These experts can assess whether appropriate measures were taken to protect students' health and education during pandemic-related disruptions.

Yes. Subspecialties may include epidemiology, virology, public health policy, occupational health and safety, and infectious disease control.

Expert Institute offers a personalized approach to help you find the highest quality experts. We source actively-practicing professionals who match all your requirements for specialty areas, work experience, litigation history, fee range, certifications, location, and more.

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